影视来源:《识骨寻踪》 点此看Bones 5.04完整剧集学习笔记>>
Booth: Just give me one thing that's gonna help me catch the murderer-- just one thing.
Sweets: All right, deal with these people as separate elements of a collective personality. Identify the threat that Kurt Bessette posed to their psychological equanimity, and the killer will emerge.
Brennan: I agree.
Booth: It doesn't help me one bit.
Sweets: Why?
Booth: You seriously believe all that hoo-ha?
Brennan: It's anthropology, so, yes.
Sweets: Wrong "ology." Keep your grubby anthro hands off my psych.
Booth: Listen, Bones, I'll meet you down in the car in five minutes, okay?
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