NBC正式预订13集新剧 "钱德勒"将《走出艳阳天》
NBC is renewing its friendship with Matthew Perry. According to Deadline.com, the network has picked up 13 episodes of the former "Friends" star's latest sitcom. In "Go On," the report says, Perry will play a Chandler-esque sportscaster who, "trying to move on from a loss, finds surprising solace from the members of his mandatory support group."
After the "Friends" finale in 2004, four of the six cast members tried to re-establish themselves on television and failed. (Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer couldn't fail because they didn't try.) Perry fumbled two prime- time chances: NBC's "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" in 2006 and ABC's "Mr. Sunshine" last year.
So what's different this time? Was NBC really that floored by the script? The acting?
Perhaps. But, just as likely, Perry has Courteney Cox to thank. In February, her "Cougar Town" broke the "'Friends' curse" by becoming the first TV show headlined by a former cast member to reach its third season.
91酷点英语娱乐快讯:《老友记》中非常受欢迎的“钱德勒”在2012-2013年播出季再次以领衔主演身份回归荧屏,马修·派瑞(Matthew Perry)主演新喜剧《走出艳阳天》正式获得NBC电视网预定13集,这也是又一部新剧跳过试映环节直接获得剧集预订(第一部直接获得预订的剧集是电视版《汉尼拔》)。不过,目前尚未确定该剧具体播出时间。
《走出艳阳天》由《老友记》编剧斯科特·喜沃瑞(Scott Silveri)打造,曾导演过《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)的托德·霍兰德(Todd Holland)担任执行制片人,他同时还将执导该剧导航集。这是一部单镜头喜剧,故事将讲述马修·派瑞饰演的男主人公是一个魅力十足、牙尖嘴利的体育解说员,事业经历挫折,试图通过强制集体疗法走出生活中的困境。
马修·派瑞在《老友记》之后,曾主演过多部剧集但都没有取得理想收视希望这一次可以成功续订。该剧暂时确定的其他演员还有出演过系列影片《变形金刚》的女演员朱丽·怀特(Julie White),她将扮演Anne一角,是一位处于极度悲伤的人物。此外,曾参演过《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)的Suzy Nakamura也会在该剧饰演一个重要角色。
《NBC正式预订13集新剧 "钱德勒"将《走出艳阳天》》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/10682/