
2013-10-05 12:18:05 

Georgina returns to the Upper East Side but it's not the same Georgina we all knew, she's changed. Chuck and Nate relationship is at a crossroad because of their mutual interest in Blair. Serena relationship with Gabriel get's more complicated.


Blair: Well, if it's casual like you say, no strings... Then what do you expect? It's not like you're gonna marry the guy.
Serena: I kind of did marry him. We got carried away. I talked to Cyrus. He said it doesn't count.
Blair: Let me get this straight. He goads you into making the ultimate commitment, and now he can't stick it out through a whole dinner?
Serena: He didn't goad me. It was...romantic.
Blair: Gabriel is disappearing for a reason. We need to get to the bottom of it.

no strings: 没有限制,没有附加条件,完整的说法是no strings attached. 用在这里就是说Serena和男友Gabrielle虽然谈恋爱,但是对双方既没有承诺也没有要求,来去自由。
carry away: to move or excite greatly
it doesn't count: 那不算数,意思是S的那段酒后宣誓的婚姻无效。
Let me get this straight: 恕我直言,我就直说了吧
goad: 本意是赶牲口用的刺棒,引申含义就是刺激某人做某事
stick it out: 坚持
get to the bottom of it: 寻根问底,找出事实真相

Serena: Gabriel, it's a movie. You know, most of them are only, like, 80 minutes these days.
Gabriel: And you know that there's nothing else I'd rather do, but I'm a little behind on reviewing the prospectus. This is important to me.

I'm a little behind on: 我在……上的进度上已经晚了,我还没来得及做……

Blair: You have to dump him! We caught that redneck red-handed.
Serena: Well, B. Obviously I'm not thrilled, but I'm gonna get to the bottom of this on my own.

dump: 甩了他
redneck: 这是对美国南方劳动农民的一种贬义称呼,相当于说他们是“南方乡下人”,B之前听说Gabrielle来自于南方,就一直说“那个南方人如何如何”。
catch someone red-handed: 当场活捉,这里B是特地用了两个red来玩了一把文字游戏 

Gabrielle: Listen, these contracts will be done in one week. And after that, I promise you I will tell her everything. Trust me. The money she'll make, it'll cushion the blow.
Serena: As long as it's not physical, then I... I guess I can live with it.

cushion the blow: cushion有“减缓冲击”的意思,结合它的本意“垫子”应该不难理解。blow就是打击,cushion the blow意思就是减缓这件事情给她的打击,减少伤害。
physical: 这里的意思是只要你们两个人没有肉体关系
I can live with it: 我还可以忍受 

《绯闻女孩》第二季第22集原创学习笔记》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/10720/