《识骨寻踪》第五季大结局 不搞幻想来真的

2013-10-11 18:09:10 
It appears real, non-imaginary sex might be staging a comeback this season.


Less than a week after House boss David Shore all but confirmed that House and Cuddy would soon engage in honest-to-goodness intercourse, Bones executive producer Stephen Nathan is hinting that Booth and Brennan — who, like House and Cuddy, did the faux deed last spring — might be headed for a legit roll in the hay as well.

同是福克斯台的《豪斯医生》他们家大家长David Shore之前放话说豪斯和卡蒂很快就要实打实上演床戏,不到一周时间,《识骨寻踪》的执行制片Stephen Nathan就暗示说男女主角Booth和Brennan——上一季季末跟豪斯、卡蒂他们那对儿一样要命地玩幻想来着——很有可能也会真的滚一次床单【小编:你们俩编剧团队真的没事对笔记的是吧?!】。

It’s also possible I’m reading way too much into Nathan’s comments, so, to be safe, I pasted the transcript of our brief exchange below. Read between the lines and tell me what conclusions you draw.


Is it fair to say there will be a turning point in Booth and Brennan’s relationship in the season finale?
STEPHEN NATHAN: Yes. The season finale is taking shape now and it’s going to be quite a surprise. We literally are in the process of working it out. We’ve had this in our minds for quite a while, and it’s gelling now. It’s going to be a pretty big episode for us in terms of what happens to Booth and Brennan.


As big as last season’s finale?
NATHAN: Yes, but in a very different way. It will be real. [Laughs]. It’s our reality.


No dreams or hallucinations?
NATHAN: No. [The season 4 finale] was a very big episode in terms of production and everything like that. This one will be as big in emotional terms.


《识骨寻踪》第五季大结局 不搞幻想来真的》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/10821/