《生命交集》是CBS09年两部医疗剧之一,主要关注「器官捐献」这一特殊的医学领域。标题「Three Rivers」事实上是一种非常形象的说法,暗示了器官捐献者、接受者和医生之间复杂的三角关系--他们就像三条河流一样,既相互冲击,又相互融合。只有当三条河流首尾相连,才能形成一条顺畅的渠道,让河水奔流不息。可以说,「Three Rivers」这个名字和本剧的剧情一样寓意很深。
这些都是细致活儿,Andy Yablonski医生(Alex O'Loughlin)是这项工作的不二人选。作为器官移植领域的一流专家,Andy不仅技艺精湛,而且为人热情,忠于事业,性格和善。他经常会说些逗人开心的俏皮话,在病人和同事当中很受欢迎。
Three Rivers is a medical drama that goes inside the emotionally complex lives of organ donors, the recipients and the surgeons at the preeminent transplant hospital in the country where every moment counts. However, dealing with donor families in their darkest hour and managing the fears and concerns of apprehensive recipients takes much more than just a sharp scalpel. Leading the elite team is Dr. Andy Yablonski (Alex O'Loughlin), the highly-skilled workaholic lead organ transplant surgeon, whose good-natured personality and sarcastic wit makes him popular with his patients and colleagues.
《前吸血鬼帅哥领衔《生命交集》器官捐献新剧》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/10825/