Experts calls attention to climate change
The effect of climate change and the kinds of weather events seen globally is a rather worrying foretaste of what is to come if carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue being pumped into the atmosphere, an eminent environment expert told Xinhua Monday.
Paul Ekins is currently professor of environment and energy policy at the University College London's Energy Institute and has been involved in the politics and policy of environment issues for the past 30 years.
Ekins, interviewed on the occasion of the World Earth Day, said many countries could be facing a "perfect storm" -- the simultaneous challenges of providing sufficient food, energy and water to their populations.
In addition there were local environmental problems to do with air and water quality, some of which industrialized countries have addressed to some extent but "which are proving very challenging in other countries."
Commenting on the situation in China, he said, "I think China because of its enormous size, because of its great economic dynamism has a responsibility which, I am pleased to say, I think it is living up to at the moment of both taking a lead on global issues."
He said he was "enormously encouraged by the attention Chinese policymakers are paying to climate change."
Elkins highlighted investment in renewables, both windpower and solar photo-voltaic panels where China has been a leader in their use and manufacture.
"China has done an enormous amount to drive down the cost of photo-voltaic panels and that is enormously important for the world as a whole. But China has done well also in terms of adopting pretty ambitious efficiency targets through to 2020, and also for setting up carbon pricing schemes," he said.
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