
2012-06-13 10:14:12 

职场社交英语 Lesson 61:咱俩都是诈包

SCENE① A  吉娜与戴夫继续在停车场说话


Zina:  When Vince didn't give you what you wanted, you decided to sell some secrets to WebTracker?

吉娜:         文斯给不了你要的待遇当时,你就决定卖情报给“网路搜寻家”?

Dave:  That's right.

戴夫:         没错。

Zina:           So you are really my secret admirer, or did you just want to 1) seduce me to find out more secrets?

吉娜:         那你真的是在暗恋我,还是在引诱我泄露情报给你?

Dave:          A little bit of both, to be honest.

戴夫:         老实说,两者都有一点吧。

Zina:  You know what, Dave, I think I like you more now than I did before.

吉娜:         你知道吗,戴夫,我现在比以前更喜欢你。

Dave:          I guess we're both snakes, aren't we?

戴夫:         我猜咱俩都是诈包,你说是不是?

Zina:           I like you, Dave, but I can show you no mercy. I'm going to have to 2) crush you and WebTracker both.

吉娜:         我喜欢你,戴夫,但我可不会手下留情。我得要把你还有“网路搜寻家”通通整垮。


A: Why don't you lay down? I'll give you a massage.


B: Are you trying to seduce me?


【a little bit of both 兼而有之】

a little bit of both字面上的意思是“两者都有一点”,在使用上,可以用来回答对方的问题,若对方问到你两种可能,你觉得两个因素都有,你就可以用上a little bit of both,来表达“兼而有之”的概念。

A: Did you two break up because you didn't talk or because you lived too far apart?


B: A little bit of both, I guess.


【show...no mercy 毫不留情】

mercy 是“慈悲”的意思,show someone no mercy 就是指做起事来“毫不留情,不留余地”,不给对方台阶下。

A: I'm a little afraid of talking to my boss.


B: I can understand. Last time he showed you no mercy.


1) seduce (v.)  引诱

2) crush  (v.)  摧毁,粉碎

职场社交英语Lesson61:咱俩都是诈包》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/2053/