
2012-06-15 10:20:22 

职场社交英语 Lesson 9:你今天早来了

SCENE④ A  文斯顺道来吉娜的隔间看他


Vince:  Hey, Zina. You're here early today.

文斯:  嗨,吉娜,你今天早来了。

Zina:  Yeah, I'm going to be making phone calls all day. What a 1) blast.

吉娜:         对啊,我今天要打一整天的电话。真够好玩的。

Vince:         I just wanted to say thanks for putting us on the map so fast. I 2) appreciate it.

文斯:         我只是想谢谢你那么快就让我们站上柜面了。我很感激。

Zina: Save it, Vince. After I put my first million in the bank, I'll say you're welcome.

吉娜:         省省吧,文斯。等我在银行存了第一个一百万,我会跟你说不客气的。

Vince:  Fair enough. 3) Keep up the good work.

文斯:         很公平。再接再励。


A: Here are those tools you wanted to borrow.


B: Thanks a million.  I really appreciate it.


【Save it. 你省省吧。】

save是“存,省下”的意思,而Save it.在对话中用做短句,意思是“省省吧。”,告诉对方多说无益。而save it for的句型也很常用,意思是“替……预留”,请看以下的实际例子:

A:I wasn't drinking, officer; I just didn't see the red light.


B:Save it for the judge.


A:I love this movie! I want to watch it, too.


B:OK. I'll save it for tonight when you get home from work.


1) blast  (n.) 尽兴,玩得愉快

2) appreciate  (v.) 感激

3) Keep up the good work. 再接再励

职场社交英语Lesson9:你今天早来了》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/2105/