Helpful Information:
For a dinner date, it’s usually a good idea to be about five minutes early.
For a cookout at 2:00 o’clock, arriving between 2:00 and 2:30 is considered proper.
For a business appointment, it is considered proper to be five minutes early, but never late.
3. Wong is discussing meals with Marsha and David Gransee. She has been in the United States for only two days.
Wong: I want you to know how much I appreciate these terrific meals you've been cooking. Do you guys always eat this well?
David: Not really. During the week, we're both busy with our jobs, so there isn't much time to cook anything fancy.
Marsha: We both enjoy cooking and experimenting7, so we usually try to fix something special on Sundays.
Wong: This morning's breakfast was great: scrambled eggs8, bacon9, toast10, and orange juice! You surely don't eat that kind of breakfast every day.
Marsha: You're right! We don't. During the week, we usually have cold cereal and maybe a piece of fruit. Neither of us has the time to cook breakfast. Monday through Friday, it's “Every man for himself.” Don’t worry, though. You’ll never go to bed hungry.
David: That's true. And dinners are different, anyway. Some nights Marsha will fix a casserole11 or a pasta12 dish. Other nights, I like to throw fish or hamburgers onto the grill13. And fix a green salad14.
Wong: So, you cook every night?
Marsha: Well, not every night. Some nights we have leftovers15, or maybe we'll just send out for a pizza. We even enjoy going out to a restaurant once in a while16.
——你说得对!我们没有。一周之内,我们通常吃些冷麦片,大概一片水果。我们都没有时间做早餐。星期一到星期五,都是“个顾个地找些东西吃。” 但不要担心。你都不会饿着睡觉的。
4. At a Thanksgiving dinner in Juneau [朱诺(美国阿拉斯加州之首府)]. There are fourteen guests at the Wrights' dinner table.
Tina: There's so much food on the table, I don't know where to begin.
Rachel: Pass your plate down to Chuck, Tina. He'll put meat on it. He always carves the turkey.
Chuck: White meat or dark, Tina?
Tina: Dark, please. I like the drumsticks.
Chuck: (To his wife) Why don't you start passing the potatoes, honey?
Rachel: You know, Tina, it's okay to pick up the leg with your fingers. You don't have to cut it from the bone. Around here, we think eating should be easy and fun.
Chuck: And try a little bit of everything. Then you can go back for seconds, after you see which dishes you like best.
Tina: (At the end of the meal) I feel so full; I don't think I could eat another bite. Thank you, Chuck and Rachel, for inviting me to share this delicious meal with you and all your friends.
(Chuck belches loudly.)
Rachel: Chuck!
Additional Information:
It’s very important to express your gratitude to the people who have cooked for you, or have invited you to a meal. Americans also find it important and necessary to say “thank you” even to their own mothers. It’s one of the ways to show your appreciation of the people who have given their time to do kind things for you.
《零距离美语会话[文化风俗差异]Lesson2:We'lljustgetadogg》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/2120/