电影学口语 Lesson 10:[灰姑娘]Stop Trying to Be Someone Else
剪辑自《Cinderella II》灰姑娘2
Cinderella: Ah, look at me.
Jaq: Cinderelly not look like Cinderelly.
Cinderella: It’s true. Something’s just not right here.
Gus: Like, uh, stewed prunes?
Cinderella: Exactly, Gus. And why do they have to keep the palace so dark? And that awful dance. And those boring colors that all look the same.
Gus: And stewed(炖熟的) prunes(梅干)!
Cinderella: Especially those rules about keeping commoners out of the palace! Why, I was a dish maid(洗碗女仆) when the prince married me. And he loves me because I am me. I’ve been trying to obey someone else’s rules about who I should be and how I should dress. This hair! I know I can do this. I just have to stop trying to be someone else.
Gus: What’s she gonna do, Jaq-Jaq?
Cinderella: Gus, I’m going to plan this banquet my way.
1. Something’s just not right here. 有点不对劲儿!
2. It’s because I am me. 那是因为我就是我自己。
3. I’m going to do it my way. 我会按照自己的方式来做。
《电影学口语Lesson10:[灰姑娘]StopTryingtoBeSomeone&nbs》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/2212/