
2012-07-01 10:16:33 


4.  Horoscope.
Ben:  Hey, what's new?
Kitty:  Not much.  Just sitting here eating some Chinese food.  Is that the paper?  Why don't you open it and tell me my horoscope9?
Ben:  Ok, wait a minute … let's see.  I'm a Taurus, and it says, “Mars is in the third house, and is soon to eclipse Venus”.  I don't know what that means, but then it says, “Your charm and drive will win others over to your way of thinking.  Remember to be positive.”  Sounds good to me.
Kitty:  What about Gemini?  What's the prediction? 
Ben:   “Since Mercury10 has crossed paths with Jupiter, your fortunes are falling.  Bad luck will follow you today, and you will lose that which you value.  Be careful.”
Kitty:  That sounds bad!  I'm really worried, what should I do?  Maybe I should go home and stay in the rest of the day. 
Ben:  But we have a date tonight!  You can't stay at home because of a stupid horoscope. 
Kitty:  But those things are dangerous!  I'm not going out if it means bad luck.
Ben:  That's silly.  They don't mean anything.  Here, give me one of those fortune cookies11 you're eating.  Let's see what it says.  “Sunshine will follow your feet if you let it.”  See, that sounds good to me.  It's ridiculous12 to let a horoscope control your life.
Kitty:  I don't know.  I've had days that seem to fit with my horoscope's predictions, but then there are days that it doesn't work.  I really don't know.
Ben:  Does this mean we're still on for tonight?
Kitty:  I guess so. 
Ben:  Good. 

——好的,等会儿……让我看一下。我是金牛座,上面说,“火星在第三座房子里,很快将吃掉金星。”我不知道这是什么意思,但上面还说,“别人因为你的魅力和推动力也会转到你的思维方式上来。记住要积极一些。” 我看很好。
——那样做是愚蠢的。它们没有任何意义。 喂,把你要吃的那些签饼给我一个。看它说什么。“如果你愿意,阳光将跟随着你的脚步。”看到了吗,我看挺好的。让一个星象控制你的生活真是荒谬。

5.  The Missing Floor
Some Russian students are spending their summer in Philadelphia, visiting historic sights.  They are checking into a hotel.
Boris:  We'd like a room with two beds, please.
Clerk:  A double?  Let's see ... I can put you in room 1405.  It faces the river and has a wonderful view. 
Alexis:  That will be fine.  Since we're going to be fourteen stories above the ground, I think we should definitely have a room with a view. (Later, Alexis returns from a walk.)
Alexis:  Boris, I saw you sitting out on the balcony of our room.  I could see you from the street. 
Boris:  That's quite a distance.  How could you tell who it was?
Alexis:  I recognized your bright red shirt.  But there's something strange.  We're in room 1405, right?  Well, when I saw you on the balcony, I counted upward.  I only got to thirteen.  We're on the thirteenth floor.
Boris:   No, I'm sure we're on the fourteenth floor.  The desk clerk said so.
Alexis:  I know!  I'll look out the window and count downward. (She counts.)  I still say we're only thirteen stories up. nbsp; It faces the river and has a wonderful view.

零距离美语会话[信仰]Lesson2:Doyoubelieveinpalmistry?》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/2458/