英语四级作文边听边背(MP3+中英字幕) 第17期:阅读的乐趣
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
阅读之于心灵犹如运动之于身体。 People who read are usually more open-minded and rarely bored. 阅读的人心胸通常较为开阔且鲜少感到无聊。 Through reading different kinds of books, you can broaden your mind and stimulate your imagination. 通过阅读不同种类的书,你可以开阔心胸和激发想象力。 Furthermore, reading is not an expensive pastime. 此外,阅读是一种花费不多的消遣。
It doesn't cost you much money because you can easily borrow books from a library or friends. 它不会花你许多钱,因为你可以很容易地向图书馆或朋友借到书。 It is especially good for the whole family. For instance, my family likes to read. 阅读对于全家人而言特别有益。 We often spend evenings together discussing literature and sharing insights from books. 举例来说,我的家人喜欢阅读。 Hence, reading brings us closer together. 我们经常利用晚上的时间聚在一起讨论文学和分享从书中得来的见解。因此,阅读使我们更亲密地在一起。
《英语四级作文边听边背(MP3+中英字幕) 第17期:阅读的乐趣》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/26316/