无与伦比的美丽:Impossibly Beautiful

2012-05-09 23:08:53 

Julie Feeney

爱尔兰人,在她的个人主页的介绍上写着Composer / Singer / Producer / Musician / Songwriter / Educator / Theatre Artist……在诸多头衔之下,一些更让人惊叹的。有三个硕士学位,其中一个是心理学。她能够演奏十种乐器,并且是爱尔兰GJ室内合唱团的专业歌手。身兼摄影师,行为艺术家,模特。是一个出色的帆板运动员以及皮船爱好者。她自制的首张专辑《13 songs》,于2006年10月份发行,创意的编曲惊艳了媒体大众。后来她与索尼BMG公司(英国)签约,于2009年6月份,发行了第二张专辑《Pages》。这首 Impossibly Beautiful 就来自这张专辑。 

MV of Impossibly Beautiful


I know not your heart or your mind or your name
Your Achilles heel or from where you came
Though it’s written in the stars my desires will flame
I might take a pass on what the stars are saying
You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting
Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are

The indignant look as you catch the eye
Of the onlooker caught in a gaze at thine
As you’re innocently flaunting your beauty, ‘ah!’
You’ve no idea how beautiful you are
You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting
Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are

You’re not laid so bare by the vanity fare
To tamper with your charms…oxygen in a jar
You’re not an assembled cocktail of bits and not
A stuck together look all made up with tricks
You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting
Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are

You don’t play the love game of toxic love
Of trading love for beauty the winning of
Will you ever wish you knew what a spell you cast
Or maybe it’s a beauty you’ll always have
You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting
Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are

无与伦比的美丽:Impossibly Beautiful》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/270/