
2012-09-25 14:02:45 

2. Breakfast in Iran—it usually features some sort of naan bread with butter and jam. When a light breakfast just isn't going to hit the spot Iranians eat halim. Halim is a mixture of wheat, cinnamon, butter and sugar cooked with shredded meat in huge pots. You can eat it hot or cold. You can also see the Iranian version of an omelet here too.

2. 伊朗早餐——特色就是这些抹了黄油和果酱的烤饼面包。当这样简单的早餐不能满足伊朗人的需要的时候,他们就会吃哈利姆。哈利姆是在一个巨大的容器中用小麦,肉挂,黄油和糖与肉丝共同混合烘焙而成的食物。加热和放凉,哈利姆都可以食用。这里你也可以看到伊朗版本的煎蛋是什么样子的。

大千世界:世界上最美味的50道早餐(上)》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/4121/