2012-09-26 09:47:23
5.Peru Don't let the three simple staples of Peruvian food—corn, potatoes, and beans—fool you. The influence of immigrants from Spain, China, West Africa, and Japan combined with local cooking practices has produced modified versions of beloved food dishes. Varieties of spices, native fruits, and freshly caught fish are all must-tries when in this South American country.
5. 秘鲁 别以为秘鲁只有玉米,马铃薯和豌豆三种食物。西班牙,中国,西非和日本的移民带来的本国风味与当地烹调方式相结合,形成了升级版的秘鲁美食。各式调料,当地水果和新鲜的鱼类是这个南美GJ必须要尝试的食物。
《吃货须知:环球美食连连看》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/4152/