
2012-09-29 10:09:48 


Gazing sleepily into each other's eyes, it looks like the perfect friendship between boy and beast. There is, however, one barrier Harvey Evans, nine, and Kelabu the Sumatran Tiger have yet to break down.... an invisible pane of glass keeping them apart. Although Harvey appears to have got so close that he can pat the fearsome cat on the head, it is in fact an optical illusion created by a camera and a strategically placed hand.

两双凝望着的眼睛仿佛昭示着纯洁完美的友情。但事实上隔着Harvey Evans和这只名叫Kelabu的苏门答腊虎的护栏依然完好无损……一套隐形的玻璃护栏隔着他俩。虽然这张照片看上去好像是Harvey在轻拍 小老虎的脑袋,但事实上,这是十九误差造成的假象,这还要对谢那台相机和这只调皮的小手。

趣图妙语:都是视觉误差惹的祸!(2)》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/4207/