16.焦头烂额的学生 我学习太紧张了。(可怜的学生们)
I''ve been studying my tail off.我忙得不可开交。(Blar Blar Blar Blar 是外国人经常说什么事情的时候,用Blar Blar Blar Blar 来替代)现代、正宗、地道
I''ve been studing my tail off!我学得太辛苦!(tail,尾巴。你是一个狐狸fox吗?学习学得尾巴都掉了,成精了。)
I do things at the last minute.
I am a last-minute man,I do things at the last minute.(我喜欢在最后开始复习。我喜欢临时抱佛脚,经常是火烧眉毛才开始着手办事。)
I do everything at the last minute.
54、I''ve been studing/working my tail off!
55、I''ve got to cram for a test tomorrow.
为了明天的考试,我得背多少东西呀! (cram的意思是如果你有一个空地方,把许多许多东西挤压到那里面。)
56、Hey,How did your English test go?
嗨,你英语考的怎么样? (考试结束以后,你问人家)
How did your math test go? 你数学考的怎么样?
How did your history test go? 你历史考的怎么样?
《洋话连篇-第16课:I'vebeenstudyingmytailoff.我忙得不可开交》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/423/