
2012-10-01 12:01:36 


White Coffee
In Malaysia, the original white coffee started in the town of Ipoh, referring to a drink made from coffee beans roasted in margarine, brewed and served with sweetened condensed milk in a cream-color form. An example is Chang Jiang White Coffee, or SYL White Coffee. Local coffee manufacturers subsequently mix instant coffee powder with non-dairy creamer or whitener and sugar together, and market the 3-in-1 mixture as White Coffee as well.
最早的牛奶咖啡起源于马来西亚的怡保市,是由黄油烘烤的咖啡豆冲泡带甜味的浓缩牛奶,比如Chang jiang,SYL都是经典的牛奶咖啡。后来人们将速溶的咖啡粉和奶精,糖以3:1的比例混合,制成牛奶咖啡。

环球之旅:盘点马来西亚旅游看点》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/4239/