
2012-10-01 11:55:19 


The adorable images were taken by Philadelphia photographer Dan Cueller who waits until the very moment the babies drop off to sleep to capture the perfect picture.

美国费城摄影师Dan Cueller拍摄了一组新生儿极其可爱的睡姿照片。摄影师说:“新生儿天生就很可爱,他们这么小不会做很多动作。你不能让新生儿做什么,因此当他们熟睡时,拍摄起来更容易,效果最好。”

Rock-a-bye baby: Twelve-day-old Edward drifts off to sleep in this adorable picture by professional baby portrait photographer Dan Cueller.

摇滚宝贝:在婴儿摄影师Dan Cueller的这张照片中,12天大的Edward慢慢进入梦乡。


趣图妙语:看,这是天使的睡颜!》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/4251/