
2012-10-05 11:43:00 

4. Miner

Salary: $25.60 per hour or $53,160 per year.



      Training: To fulfill the Mine Health and Safety Administration safety requirements, new miners must spend a minimum of 24 hours learning safety procedures and rescue, first aid, and miner rights and responsibilities.

      Hydrogen sulfide leaks, methane explosions, mine-stope collapses, oh my! Coal mining is an ancient profession, and has been recognized as wildly risky since the very start. There are the obvious dangers that come with descending as far as hundreds of feet underground. Then there are the sneakier ones, like pulmonary disease, bladder cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, silicosis, renal disease, emphysema, "black lung" and lung cancer.


      硫化氢泄露、甲烷爆炸、煤矿坍塌,天呢,太危险了!煤矿开采是一种古老的职业,有史以来,就一直被认为是风险极高的职业。进入到地下几百英尺深的地方,危险是显而易见的。还有更糟糕的事情,如肺病 、膀胱癌、类风湿性关节炎、硅肺病、肾病、肺气肿、“黑肺病”以及肺癌。

美国评出"最让人担惊受怕"的15种工作》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/4323/