4. World's Largest Ball of Twine, Minnesota: There's much ado about which ball of twine actually holds the record these days. But why not pay your respects to the original that started all the fuss? Behold the World's Largest Ball of Twine in Darwin, 62 miles west of Minneapolis on US 12. To be specific, it's the 'Largest Built by One Person' – Francis A Johnson wrapped the 17,400lb whopper on his farm over the course of 29 years. Gawk at it in the town gazebo. Better yet, visit the museum beside it and buy your own twine ball starter kit in the gift shop.
明尼苏达 世界上最大的线球:最近关于哪一个线球是记录有很多纷扰。但是为什么不把你的尊重投向这些纷扰开始的起源?在Darwin注视世界最大的线球,Minneapolis以西62公里。具体而言,它是“一个人建造的最大的”——在29年中,Francis A Johnson在他的农场缠了这个17400磅的庞然大物。在城镇的凉亭里呆呆的看着它。更好的是,可以参观它旁边的博物馆,在礼品店里面买麻线球的入门工具。
《环球之旅:带你走进美国10大怪异奇妙的地方》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/4333/