Limiting Generalizations

2012-11-11 13:24:37 
Avoid sweeping statements that assert too much on too little evidence. Whenever you are tempted to say that all members of a group share some quality or when you are tempted to say that something has been the best or the worst of a class, or when you start to use words such as ''''''''always'''''''' and ''''''''never'''''''', be sure your statement is limited enough to be true. Sweeping generalizations give the impression that the writer has not studied the material enough to be aware of the exceptions that serious observers know about. If you make sweeping generalizations, you will risk losing authority with your reader.

1. FAULTY GENERALIZATION: Students nowadays lack dedication and seriousness, and they never read anything worthwhile.

BETTER: Some students I have known lack dedication and serioiusness, and they seldom read anything but the sports pages and the comics.

2. FAULTY GENERALIZATION: Football coaches think they are the symbols of real Americanism because they are emotional, hardworking, and dedecated to winning.

BETTER: Many fans believe that football coaches are the symbols of real Americanism because they are emotional, hardworking, and dedecated to winning.

FAULTY GENERALIZATION: There never has been another play as good as Macbeth.

BETTER: Machbeth stirs audiences because Macbeth''''s flaws are so much the flaws of all of us------ambition that may overpower every tender feeling in its drive to the top.

ps.special thanks to lx过客

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