
2012-11-28 10:57:53 
Millions of adults are unable to spell basic everyday words, a study suggests.


Of 2,500 surveyed, 40 per cent could not spell "questionnaire", 38 per cent were stumped by"accommodate" and 37 per cent were defeated by "definitely".


Around a third of those questioned were unable to spell "liaison", "existence" or"occurrence".


Other simple words which caused problems were "calendar", "embarrass", "library" and"receipt".

其他一些容易出错的单词包括:calendar(日历), embarrass(困窘), library(图书馆)和receipt(收据)。

Two-thirds blamed their inability to get words right on the predictive text function on their mobile phones.


Alarmingly, 14 per cent did not think it was important to spell properly, and 11 per cent were not bothered by colleagues' spelling mistakes.


Twenty per cent said they avoided writing documents by hand because their spelling was poor, and 59 per cent said they relied on their computer's spell checker to get things right--even though some are programmed with American English.


It's interesting to see that despite getting basic words wrong, a huge majority still regard their spelling skills as excellent or good.


The 20 simple words Brits are unable to spell:


1. Questionnaire 2. Accommodate 3. Definitely 4. Liaison 5. Existence

6. Occurrence 7. Referring 8. Occurred 9. Millennium 10. Embarrass

11. Calendar 12. Receive 13. Necessary 14. Separate 15. Cemetery

16. Library 17. Accidentally 18. Independent 19. Occasionally 20. Receipt
