
2012-05-18 11:20:50 

第九课 形容词比较级

在这一课里, 我们要学习形容词比较级, 像是: "比较高", "比较好" 等等.

现在我们先听一段对话, 内容是说亨利跟他表妹苏珊在电话里话家常. 我请两 位英文老师用正常速度念这段对话, 请你注意听英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Hello, Susan. How is everything in New York?

F: Never better, Henry. How are you? How is the family?

M: Everyone's fine. But actually, I'm feeling a little tired these days.

F: You're getting older, Henry, and you are heavier than you used to be.

M: Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever. What's your secret?

F: There is no secret. I get more exercise than you. And I am careful about my diet.

You should too.

M: You are right. When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.

F: No, Henry. You should start now.

M: Okey. I will start today. Thank you for the advice.

现在我们把整段对话再听一遍. 可是英文老师念得比较慢, 你注意听, 看看能懂 多少.

M: Hello, Susan. How is everything in New York?

F: Never better, Henry. How are you? How is the family?

M: Everyone's fine. But actually, I'm feeling a little tired these days.

F: You're getting older, Henry, and you are heavier than you used to be.

M: Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever. What's your secret?

F: There is no secret. I get more exercise than you. And I am careful about my diet.

You should too.

M: You are right. When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.

F: No, Henry. You should start now.

M: Okey. I will start today. Thank you for the advice.

在刚才那段对话里有不少比较级用法, 现在我挑出几个例子, 请英文老师用慢 速度再念一遍给你听:

F: Never better.

F: You're getting older.

F: You are heavier than you used to be.

M: Everyone gets older.

M: You look younger than ever.

M: When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.


听了刚才那段对话, 也许你已经注意到在英文里形容词比较级就是在一般短的 形容词后面加上 e-r, 比方 "高" 是 tall, t-a-l-l, tall, "比较高" 就是 taller, t-a-l-l-e-r, taller.

中级美国英语Lesson9:形容词比较级》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/558/