
2012-05-18 11:20:50 

下面我们给你举一些例子比较亨利和苏珊两个人谁老,谁年轻,谁胖,谁瘦, 谁高, 谁矮等等. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着老师重复一遍.

M: Henry is older; Susan is younger.

F: Henry is older; Susan is younger.

M: Henry is fatter; Susan is thinner.

F: Henry is fatter; Susan is thinner.

M: Henry is taller; Susan is shorter.

F: Henry is taller; Susan is shorter.

M: Henry is weaker; Susan is stronger.

F: Henry is weaker; Susan is stronger.

如果把 "亨利比较老; 苏珊比较年轻 " 这句话简化为 "亨利比苏珊老", 在英文里 就必须用 than, t-h-a-n, than 这个字; 整句话就是 Henry is older than Susan. 下面 我们来作换字练习, 多学学这个句型. 首先老师念一个句子, 然后老师给你一个 新的比较级形容词,请你把形容词代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句, 老师会念 出正确作法, 你自己比较一下看作对了没有. 现在我们开始.

M: Henry is older than Susan.

M: fatter

F: Henry is fatter than Susan.

M: weaker

F: Henry is weaker than Susan.

M: heavier

F: Henry is heavier than Susan.

M: busier

F: Henry is busier than Susan.

刚才那些句子都是以亨利为主词, 下面这些句子是以苏珊为主词; 还是把她和 亨利作个比较, 比方 "苏珊比亨利年轻" 等等. 还是请你跟刚才一样作代换练习.

M: Susan is younger than Henry.

M: thinner

F: Susan is thinner than Henry.

M: shorter

F: Susan is shorter than Henry.

M: stronger

F: Susan is stronger than Henry.

M: healthier

F: Susan is healthier than Henry.

现在我们再来学习形容词比较级. 首先由老师提出一个问句, 接着他又提出一 个词组作主词, 请学生用这个主词来回答问题, 然后老师又提出一个词组作受 词, 请学生用 than 这个字把受词用进句子里. 首先我给你举一个例子.

M: Which table is longer?

M: this table

F: This table is longer.

M: that one

F: This table is longer than that one.

好, 现在我们开始作练习. 请你在学生作练习的时候也跟着作.

M: Which table is longer?

M: this table

F: This table is longer.

M: that one

F: This table is longer than that one.

M: Which dress is shorter?

M: the blue dress

F: The blue dress is shorter.

M: the red one

F: The blue dress is shorter than the red one.

M: Which car is newer?

M: the green car

F: The green car is newer.

M: the brown one

F: The green car is newer than the brown one

M: Which house is older?

M: the big house

F: The big house is older.

M: the small one

F: The big house is older than the small one.

M: Which city is warmer?

M: Washington, D.C.

F: Washington, D.C., is warmer.

M: New York

F: Washington, D.C., is warmer than New York.

M: Which day is colder?

M: today

F: Today is colder.

M: yesterday

F: Today is colder than yesterday.

M: Whose room is bigger?

M: Peter's

F: Peter's room is bigger.

M: Mary's

F: Peter's room is bigger than Mary's.

中级美国英语Lesson9:形容词比较级》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/558/