
2012-05-12 00:12:12 

第三十五课 动词词组(一)

在这一课里, 我们练习几个由动词和介词构成的动词词组, 比方 "继续" keep on, k-e-e-p o-n, keep on. "延迟" put off, p-u-t o-f-f, put off, "放弃" give up, g-i-v-e u-p, give up 等等, 我们还要学习由动词跟动名词构成的动词词组, 比方 "考虑 参加" consider joining, "停止磋商" stop negotiating 等等.

现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说珍妮跟同学鲍勃谈起了大学毕 业之后要不要上研究院的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Are you going on to graduate school when you get your BA?

F: I've considered going on for a Master's Degree, but I may postpone getting it.

M: Why is that?

F: I think I'd like to work for a while before I start graduate school.

M: I've considered working for a while, but I don't want to put off learning Chinese.

F: Have you considered taking time off to go to China again?

M: I've thought of doing that. If I get a chance, I will. Otherwise, I'll finish the graduate program and then go.

F: With a graduate degree, you will have more opportunities.


M: Are you going on to graduate school when you get your BA?

F: I've considered going on for a Master's Degree, but I may postpone getting it.

M: Why is that?

F: I think I'd like to work for a while before I start graduate school.

M: I've considered working for a while, but I don't want to put off learning Chinese.

F: Have you considered taking time off to go to China again?

M: I've thought of doing that. If I get a chance, I will. Otherwise, I'll finish the graduate program and then go.

F: With a graduate degree, you will have more opportunities.


F: I've considered going on for a Master's Degree.

F: I may postpone getting it.

M: I've considered working for a while.

M: I don't want to put off learning Chinese.

F: Have you considered taking time off?


听了上面那些句子, 我想你对我们今天要学的两种动词词组的用法已经有些 概念. 第一种就是用上介词和动名词的动词词组. 下面我们用 is thinking of 加上动名词来表示 "想作什么事", 比方 "珍妮想辍学". 这句话英文可以这样 说 Jenny is thinking of quitting school. 下面我们作一组练习看看珍妮想作什 么. 由老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的 句子里. 请你跟学生一起作练习.

M: Jenny is thinking of quitting school.

M: selling all her books

F: Jenny is thinking of selling all her books.

M: moving to the east coast

F: Jenny is thinking of moving to the east coast.

M: finding a high paying job there.

F: Jenny is thinking of finding a high paying job there.

M: renting an apartment in the city

F: Jenny is thinking of renting an apartment in the city.

M: buying a car

F: Jenny is thinking of buying a car.

中级美国英语Lesson35:动词词组[一]》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/567/