珍妮不想念书, 因为她想搬到东部找份工作.当然找工作不容易, 珍妮试了一 次可是没成功, 她是不是应该继续试呢? 现在我们用keep on, k-e-e-p o-n, keep on加上动名词作一组练习说明珍妮应该继续作什么事. 在这组练习里你也可 以学到在美国找工作的过程, 比方 " 查找求人的广告" checking want-ads, "申请工作" applying for jobs. "寄履历表" mailing resumes 等等. 请你注意 听老师提出的问题, 并且作肯定的答覆. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答 案.
M: Should Jenny keep on trying?
F: Yes, she should keep on trying.
M: Should Jenny keep on looking?
F: Yes, she should keep on looking.
M: Should Jenny keep on checking the want-ads in the newspaper?
F: Yes, she should keep on checking the want-ads in the newspaper.
M: Should Jenny keep on applying for jobs?
F: Yes, she should keep on applying for jobs.
M: Should Jenny keep on writing letters to corporations?
F: Yes, she should keep on writing letters to corporations.
M: Should Jenny keep on mailing her resumes?
F: Yes, she should keep on mailing her resumes.
鲍勃想到中国去念书和教书. 为了这么作他必须把其他计划, 比方 " 念硕士学 位" working for a master's degree. "念国际法" studying international laws," 作 一星期四十小时的工作" taking a full-time job 等等往后延. 现在我们作一组练 习, 用 "延期" put off, p-u-t o-f-f, put off 加上动名词作一些句子, 一方面练习语 法, 一方面练习词汇. 现在请你注意听老师问问题. 并且作肯定的答覆. 每作 完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.
M: Will Bob put off going to graduate school?
F: Yes, he will put off going to graduate school.
M: Will he put off studying international laws?
F: Yes, he will put off studying international laws.
M: Will he put off working for a master's degree?
F: Yes, he will put off working for a master's degree.
M: Will he put off taking a full time job?
F: Yes, he will put off taking a full time job.
M: Will he put off touring the United States?
F: Yes, he will put off touring the United States.
下面我们用 "放弃" give up, g-i-v-e u-p, give up 加上动名词作句子,看看鲍勃为 了到中国去是不是应该放弃他的一些个人喜好, 比方抽烟, 画画儿等等. 练习 的作法是老师提出一个问题, 学生就根据问题作否定的答覆.学生作练习的时 候请你也一起作.
M: Does he have to give up smoking?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up smoking.
M: Does he have to give up studying?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up studying.
M: Does he have to give up traveling?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up traveling.
M: Does he have to give up painting?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up painting.
M: Does he have to give up playing tennis?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up playing tennis.
M: Does he have to give up camping?
F: No, he doesn't have to give up camping.
珍妮和鲍勃大学毕业之后都暂时不想继续念研究院. 可是在美国许多大学生 在大三, 大四的时候就已经想好了将来要念哪个研究院; 美国许多研究院也 不断地改善设施, 提高学生人数.下面我们作一组练习用succeeded in, s-u-c- c-e-e-d-e-d i-n, succeeded in 加上动名词作一些过去时态句子, 说明学校当局 成功地作了什么事, 比方 "使教学设备现代化" updating teaching equipment.
"筹募私人赠款" raising private donations, "消除预算赤字" eliminating budget deficit 等等. 练习的作法是老师先念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 你就把 词组代换到原来的句子里, 每作完一句, 就请你听老师把句子再念一遍.
M: The university administration succeeded in increasing student enrollment.
M: improving school facilities
F: The university administration succeeded in improving school facilities.
M: updating teaching equipment
F: The university administration succeeded in updating teaching equipment
M: raising private donations
F: The university administration succeeded in raising private donations.
M: eliminating budget deficit
F: The university administration succeeded in eliminating budget deficit.
《中级美国英语Lesson35:动词词组[一]》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/567/