F: He's young. Therefore he'll pick up English quickly.
M: Will he catch up?
F: Yes, he studies hard.
F: He studies hard. Therefore he'll catch up.
M: Will he make progress?
F: Yes, He's in the special programs.
F: He's in the special programs. Therefore he'll make progress.
M: Will he be accepted by his classmates?
F: Yes, he's not the only foreign student in his class.
F: He's not the only foreign student in his class. Therefore he'll be accepted.
M: Will he make friends?
F: Yes, the other kids like him.
F: The other kids like him. Therefore he'll make friends.
下面我们作一组练习, 比较连接词 "然而" however, h-o-w-e-v-e-r, however 跟 "虽然" although, a-l-t-h-o-u-g-h, although 在用法上的分别.比方老师念两个句子, 第一个句子是: "他是移民." He's an immigrant. 第二个句子是 "然而他不觉得 受排斥." However, he doesn't feel rejected. 学生就把两个句子合并成一句, 变 为 "虽然他是移民, 但是他不觉得受排斥." Although he's an immigrant, he doesn't feel rejected. 这组练习里的句子都是说到凯特班上那个从海地来的新 学生, 比方他英文说得不好, 又有口音, 可是他不气馁, 还是设法跟同学交往等 等. 请你跟学生一起作练习.
M: He's an immigrant. However, he doesn't feel rejected.
F: Although he's an immigrant, he doesn't feel rejected.
M: He looks different. However, he's accepted.
F: Although he looks different, he's accepted.
M: He has a rough time communicating. However, he isn't discouraged.
F: Although he has a rough time communicating, he isn't discouraged.
M: He cannot express himself clearly. However, he tries to make friends with the other kids.
F: Although he cannot express himself clearly, he tries to make friends with the other kids.
M: He speaks English with an accent. However, the other kids understand him.
F: Although he speaks English with an accent, the other kids understand him.
除了 however 这个字以外, 另外一个字,也就是 nevertheless, n-e-v-e-r-t-h-e-l-e- s-s, nevertheless 也可以用来表示 "然而". 现在我们作一组练习, 一边学习这 个连接词的用法, 一边谈一谈外国移民移居美国的经历. 练习的作法是老师 用 although 作一个句子, 比方 "虽然移居很因难, 但是许多移民还是迁移到美 国来了." Although it was difficult to resettle, many immigrants migrated to the United States. 学生就把句子改成: It was difficult to resettle. Nevertheless, many immigrants migrated to the United States. 这组练习里有些词汇可能你不 熟, 比方 "谋生" make a living, "适应" adapt to, "苦难" hardship 等等, 请你 跟学生一起作练习的时候特别注意. 现在开始.
M: Although it was difficult to resettle, many immigrants migrated to the United States.
F: It was difficult to resettle. Nevertheless, many immigrants migrated to the United States.
M: Although they were born in foreign countries, they've become Americans.
F: They were born in foreigh countries. Nevertheless, they've become Americans.
M: Although their English wasn't good, they had other skills to make a living.
F: Their English wasn't good. Nevertheless, they had other skills to make a living.
M: Although it wasn't easy to cope with the new environment, they finally adapted to the new life style.
F: It wasn't easy to cope with the new environment. Nevertheless, they finally adapted to the new life style.
M: Although they suffered hardships, they don't feel regret.
F: They suffered hardships. Nevertheless, they don't feel regret.
《中级美国英语Lesson51:与移民有关的词汇》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/570/