
2012-05-12 00:12:13 


美语咖啡屋 Lesson 28: Dianne, the Italian Opera Lover


J: Hello I'm Jody and welcome to the American Cafe.

Y: Jody, 听说你下星期是不是要到意大利去?

J: Yes and I can't wait! I just bought some new clothes for the trip but more importantly I'm learning a little Italian. Piacere!

Y: 听着很好听,是什么意思?


J: Um, just a minute, (flipping through a book) hold on...

Y: Jody, 我看你以前一定没好好学你的意大利语。

J: You're absolutely right. I'll try harder.

Y: 我记得你好象是意大利人后裔,是吗?

J: Yes, I am of Italian heritage H-E-R-I-T-A-G-E, and most of my family comes from Italy.

Y: 你是意大利人后裔,可是却不会说意大利语?

J: I know, unfortunately, my father's mother and father...

Y: (Translate)你是说你的爷爷、奶奶...

J: ...right. only spoke English in the home.

Y: 他们在家光说英语。

J: I think during that era, that time period, it was very common for European immigrants to speak English.

Y: 他们那时候都急着要学好英语。

J: But you know the best way to broaden your horizons is to learn a foreign language.

Y: 你说到"broaden your horizons",你记不记得我们上次在意大利文化节上碰见到的那个女孩Diane?

J: Oh right, Dianne.

Y: 她也是这么说的。下面就让大家来认识一下Diane:

实录1: Diane: I'm Diane Adleberg and I live in Falls Church, Virginia. I'm on my second Italian class and I am not of Italian heritage but I love languages. And I think it's nice for Americans to broaden their horizons and learn a foreign language.

美语咖啡屋Lesson28:Dianne,theItalianOperaLo》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/573/