第二十八课 间接引句(一)
在这一课里, 我们学习间接引句的用法, 比方: "他说他不来." He said that he was not coming. 等等.
现在我们来听今天这一课里的对话, 内容是说凯特在学校里跟同事, 也就是教 体育的比尔, 谈到了一个学生缺课的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和 语调.
M: Is everyone here today?
F: No, Jimmy Taylor is absent.
M: That's strange. We're choosing teams today. He asked if he could be a captain. It's really too bad that he is not here.
F: He and his father came to see me early this morning. His father asked if Jimmy could be excused today. He said that they were going on a trip.
M: How long will Jimmy be out of school?
F: His father didn't say, but he did give the reason for the trip.
M: What is that?
F: Jimmy's grandmother died.
M: Is everyone here today?
F: No, Jimmy Taylor is absent.
M: That's strange. We're choosing teams today. He asked if he could be a captain. It's really too bad that he is not here.
F: He and his father came to see me early this morning. His father asked if Jimmy could be excused today. He said that they were going on a trip.
M: How long will Jimmy be out of school?
F: His father didn't say, but he did give the reason for the trip.
M: What is that?
F: Jimmy's grandmother died.
M: He asked if he could be a captain.
F: His father asked if Jimmy could be excused today.
F: He said that they were going on a trip.
第一组练习是由凯特或是比尔说一句话, 比方凯特说: Jimmy Taylor is absent.
接着学生就用间接引句说: Kate said that Jimmy Taylor was absent. 请你注意 在引述别人的话的时候应该把话里的现在时态动词改成过去时态. 现在我们 开始作练习, 学生作句子的时候请你也一起作.
F: Jimmy Taylor is absent.
M: Kate said that Jimmy Taylor was absent.
F: Jimmy is excused from school.
M: Kate said that Jimmy was excused from school.
F: Jimmy's grandmother is dead.
M: Kate said that Jimmy's grandmother was dead.
下面学生引述比尔说的话, 还是请你跟着作练习.
M: It is strange that Jimmy is absent.
F: Bill said that it was strange that Jimmy was absent.
M: The school is choosing teams.
F: Bill said that the school was choosing teams.
M: Jimmy wants to be a captain.
F: Bill said that Jimmy wanted to be a captain.
M: It is too bad that Jimmy is not in school.
F: Bill said that it was too bad that Jimmy was not in school.
下面一组练习是由凯特自我介绍, 说明她是小学三年级教员, 并且叙述她的日 常工作, 比方她教什么课程, 她预备教材, 跟学生和学生家长开会等等. 练习 的作法是凯特说一句话, 比方: "我教算术." I teach arithmetic. 听了之后, 你就 引述凯特的话说:"凯特告诉我她教算术."Kate told me that she taught arithmetic.
请你注意在引述别人的话的时候不但要把现在时态动词改为过去时态, 并且 要把话里的主词从 "我" 改成 "她". 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 老师会 念出正确答案让你作个比较.
《中级美国英语Lesson28:间接引句[一]》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/592/