F: I am an elementary school teacher.
M: Kate told me that she was an elementary school teacher.
F: I am a third grade teacher.
M: Kate told me that she was a third grade teacher.
F: I teach arithmetic.
M: Kate told me that she taught arithmetic.
F: I introduce other subjects as well.
M: Kate told me that she introduced other subjects as well.
F: All my students are eight or nine years old.
M: Kate told me that all her students were eight or nine years old.
F: I prepare for my classes.
M: Kate told me that she prepared for her classes.
F: I have conferences with my students quite often.
M: Kate told me that she had conferences with her students quite often.
F: Sometimes I talk to my students' parents.
M: Kate told me that sometimes she talked to her students' parents.
下面一组练习是要请你引述比尔说的话. 练习的作法跟刚才大同小异, 这次是 由比尔自我介绍, 说明他能作什么, 愿意为学生作什么等等, 比方比尔告诉你
说: "我能教体育." I can teach physical training. 你听了之后就说: "比尔告诉我 他能教体育. "Bill told me that he could teach physical training. 请你注意在引述 比尔的话的时候必须把助动词 can 跟 will 改成 could 跟 would. 现在我们开始 作练习. 每作一句就听老师念正确答案.
M: I can teach physical training.
F: Bill told me that he could teach physical training.
M: I will teach my students how to play tennis.
F: Bill told me that he would teach his students how to play tennis.
M: I will play volleyball with my students.
F: Bill told me that he would play volleyball with his students.
M: I will take my students swimming.
F: Bill told me that he would take his students swimming.
M: I can teach my classes outdoors.
F: Bill told me that he could teach his classes outdoors.
M: I can enjoy sunshine when I am teaching.
F: Bill told me that he could enjoy sunshine when he was teaching.
M: I will help my students.
F: Bill told me that he would help his students.
M: I can make my students healthy.
F: Bill told me that he could make his students healthy.
刚才我们引述的句子都是陈述句, 下面我们学习怎么引述问句. 比方比尔问凯
特: Is Jimmy coming to school? 引述这句话的时候就应该这么说: Bill asked Kate if Jimmy was coming to school. 请注意引述问句的时候必须用if, i-f, if 连接 前后两句话, 并且必须把问句改为陈述句. 现在我们作一组练习, 学学这种说 法. 练习的内容都是关于比尔问凯特吉米来不来上课的事情. 每作完一个句子 就听老师念正确答案.
M: Is Jimmy coming to school?
F: Bill asked Kate if Jimmy was coming to school.
M: Is Jimmy absent?
F: Bill asked Kate if Jimmy was absent.
M: Is Jimmy excused from class?
F: Bill asked Kate if Jimmy was excused from class.
M: Is Jimmy taking a trip?
F: Bill asked Kate if Jimmy was taking a trip.
下面请你引述凯特问比尔的话,内容都是说到吉米能够不能够参加校队去比赛 的事情. 请你还是跟刚才一样作练习.
F: Can Jimmy still be a captain?
M: Kate asked Bill if Jimmy could still be a captain.
F: Will Jimmy be chosen to be a captain?
M: Kate asked Bill if Jimmy would be chosen to be a captain.
F: Can Jimmy still play in the game?
M: Kate asked Bill if Jimmy could still play in the game.
F: Will Jimmy make it to the game?
M: Kate asked Bill if Jimmy would make it to the game.
刚才我们学习了怎么引述问句, 现在我们继续学习. 在引述问句的时候除了用 if 连接两句话以外, 也可以用whether, w-h-e-t-h-e-r, whether 来代替. 现在我们作 一组练习,学学这种说法. 练习的作法是比尔问凯特一些有关她的工作的问题, 凯特就用间接引句引述比尔提出的问题:比方比尔问凯特:"你有黑人学生吗?" Do you have black students? 凯特就说: "比尔问我, 我有没有黑人学生." Bill asked me whether I had black students. 比方, 比尔又问凯特: "你有其他少数民 族学生吗?" Do you have other minority students? 凯特就说: "比尔问我: 我有没 有其他少数民族学生."Bill asked me whether I had other minority students. 除了 这两个问题以外, 比尔还问凯特是不是跟学生一起吃中饭, 是不是看着学生好 好的吃饭, 教不教学生养成良好学习习惯等等. 现在我们开始作练习. 请你注 意听比尔问问题, 并且替凯特引述比尔的话. 每作完一个句子. 凯特会念出正 确答案让你作个比较, 看你作对了没有.
《中级美国英语Lesson28:间接引句[一]》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/592/