15~13分: 内容切题, 包括提纲的全部内容; 表达清楚, 文字连贯; 句式有变化, 句子结构和用词正确。
12~10分: 内容切题, 包括提纲的全部内容; 表达基本清楚, 文字基本连贯; 句式有一定变化, 句子结构和用词无重大错误。
9~7分: 内容切题, 基本包括提纲的要点; 表达基本清楚, 句子结构和用词有少量错误。
6~4分: 内容基本切题, 语句可以理解, 但有较多句子结构和用词错误。
3~1分: 基本按题意写作, 但只有少数句子可以理解。
0分: 文不切题, 语句混乱, 无法理解。
91~100词: 扣1分
81~90词: 扣2.5分
71~80词: 扣4分
61~70词: 扣6分
60词以下: 扣8分
在前面我们已经提到了得分在15~13分之间的作文的标准, 下面我们再结合实例详细加以论述。
一、内容切题, 包括提纲的全部内容
自1991年研究生入学考试增加作文的考试项目以来, 每次作文都要求考生根据所提供的写作提纲完成一篇短文, 因此, 评分标准的第一项即要求内容切题, 包括提纲的全部内容, 实际上对于任何命题性作文来说, 内容切题都是一项最基本的要求。那么该如何达到这一要求呢? 我们认为考生应该从以下几个方面入手:
(1) 认真审题。根据题目类别, 弄清文体的要求, 并判明文章的种类( 议论文、说明文、记叙文), 同时确定文章要阐明的主题或要表达的中心思想, 若题目已经给提供了提纲, 还要注意弄清各提纲要点之间的逻辑关系。考生在拿到作文题后切勿唯恐时间不够, 提笔就写。 一旦写的内容偏离了题目的要求, 等到发现了再改就来不及了。我们平常所说的“磨刀不误砍柴功”就是这个道理。
(2) 注意安排设计段落。根据文章的中心思想, 确定各个段落的主题内容和主题句。如果是议论文, 一般要从论点的正反两个方面来考虑, 首先是某观点的合理成分或者某物的长处, 然后是该观点的不合理成分或者该物的短处, 最后阐明自己的观点。如果题目给提供了提纲, 只要把提纲扩展成主题句即可。
(3) 切忌将记忆里比较熟悉的句子生拉硬扯地弄进作文, 使作文结构松散, 意思不明确, 甚至会偏离主题。
二、表达清楚, 文字连贯
文章要做到表达清楚, 文字连贯, 文章各段落就必须根据提纲所确立的不同主题句来展开, 而且各段落的主题句将段落的各个部分凝聚在一起, 流利地表现出段落所要表现的思想, 使读者能够轻松地理解段落中各部分以及段落之间的联系。下面, 我们来看一篇93年考题的范文:
Advertisement on TV
Today more and more advertisements are seen on the TV screen. Every evening a series of advertisements come immediately after the News Program is over, informing TV viewers of the many different sorts of up-to-date products on the market. Besides, it often happens that while you are absorbed in a wonderful film on TV, endless ads interrupt you from time to time and make you quite annoyed.
There are two reasons, I think, for the growing number of ads on TV. First, in a competitive economy, the consumer usually has the choice of several different brands of the same product. Thus, manufacturers are confronted with a problem how to keep sales high enough to stay in business. They solve this problem by advertising. Through advertising, each manufacturing company tries to convince consumers that its product is special. Second, most consumers are interested in ads. They wish to get from TV ads the first-hand information about new products, which enables them to choose the one that they like best. As a result, there is a sharp increase in ads on the TV screen.
Personally, I am in favour of TV ads because most of them are interesting and informative. But there is no denying that some of them are tedious and boring. So I feel TV stations are faced with an arduous task to strengthen the control of ads, to improve their quality and to make them more attractive.
(注: 该范文摘自朱泰祺编著《新编硕士研究生入学英语考试复习指导》一书)
在上面的作文中, 作者采用了明确的主题句, 而且每个段落都是紧紧围绕主题句写作而成, 另外, 作者还使用了明显的连接词, 例如第一段中的besides, 第二段的first, thus, second, as a result, 第三段中的but, so等等, 使得整个文章主题思想清楚, 文字浑然一体。
初学写作的同志, 由于对英语写作没有信心, 通常不敢大胆地使用自己已经掌握的语言基础知识, 包括英语句法知识。结果整篇文章都是以主语、谓语、宾语句式为主的简单句子, 文章因此显得刻板, 毫无生气。实际上, 同汉语一样, 英语的句子结构也是丰富多彩, 变化多样的, 同样的一个意义可以用多种句子结构来表达。例如:
例1. The villagers took great care of the old man.
The old man was taken great care of (by the villagers).
Great care was taken of the old man (by the villagers).
例2. His speech was good enough to stir the audience.
His speech was too good not to stir the audience.
His speech was so good that all the audience felt stirred.
例3. A computer was among the new products on display.
Among the new products on display was a computer.
例4. Most metals are good conductors, and silver is the best.
Most metals are good conductors, silver being the best.
Most metals are good conductors, with silver in the lead.
因此, 我们在写作时, 应充分利用我们已有的句法知识, 采用各种句法结构, 使作文句式多样、 生动活泼。
要在写作中, 使用正确的句子结构, 选择恰当的词汇, 首先要勤学多练。尤其在开始练习写作的初始阶段, 可勤查语法书和字典等工具书, 背记常用词和短语, 扩大词汇量, 拓展知识面。 要深刻理解所背词语的内在含义, 并了解他们所使用的语言环境。复习备考时, 请务必认真阅读本书的后面关于写作方面的论述, 模仿并熟记一些常用的过渡词和英语句型, 以及一些英语范文,并切忌自编自造汉语式的英语句式和词组, 养成不良的写作习惯。 一定要注意使用学习过的,比较熟悉有把握的句式和词汇。
其次, 在考试过程中, 对于那些拿不稳, 没有把握的句子, 尽量采取“ 回避政策”。下面是一篇在94年研究生入学考试中获得14分的作文, 整篇文章很符合我们在上面所述的高分作文的要求:
On Making Friends
As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend. Society is made up of individuals, and making friend is a very important part in our life. Friends can give you a lot. First, if you have trouble with some problems, you can consult your good friends and exchange opinions. Thus you will feel comfortable and encouraged. Secondly, if you wish to do some physical exercises, such as playing table tennis, you can play with friends and have a good time. Then you can relax yourself. In short, we need friends.
But what is true friendship? Some people think friends are people whom they can play with. In my opinion, a friend in need is a friend indeed. True friendship can encourage you when you are in difficulties. A true friend not only shares with you your joy and happiness but also your trouble and anxiety. When you need him, he will give you a hand and spare no efforts. Of course, these principles are the same to you when you treat your friends.
As far as I'm concerned, I wish to make as many friends as possible. The world is a big family, and we will feel relaxed in a friendly atmosphere. You will discover the world is full of flowers and happiness. I wish some day we can all be friends.
另外, 值得一提的是, 写作属于主观性测试, 阅卷人对答卷印象的好坏会直接影响到考生的分数, 而且研究生入学考试英语短文写作的阅卷采用的是总体评分的方法, 阅卷人员就总体印象给出奖励分, 而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分, 因此, 考生要特别注意卷面的整洁, 答题纸四周都要留空边。在一般情况下, 你的作文的读者就是阅卷的老师, 所以, 短文忌用对读者不尊重的词语, 避免引起阅卷老师的反感, 例如, 有些考生习惯使用“Do you know …? Let me tell you”之类的过分口语化的句子, 这样有把读者当做小学生之嫌, 易引起人的反感, 因此应该尽量避免。 另外, 切勿将题目中提供的英语单词抄错, 否则会使阅卷人感觉到你是一位粗心甚至不负责任的人。 还有一点容易给阅卷人造成不良印象的问题是标点符号的使用, 在阅卷的过程中, 我们经常会碰到有的考生的作文整篇没有一个明显的标点符号, 在每个句子或应该加注标点的地方都用一点, 根本分不清是逗号还是句号, 有的缺乏标点符号的常识, 在一个书名两边加注《 》号, 这些都会影响到考生的成绩。因此, 希望考生注意认真阅读后面关于标点符号使用的一部分。
最后, 我们谈谈考试过程中短文写作的时间分配问题, 短文写作的时间为40分钟, 要力争写完写好, 这就要求考生做到有条不紊,忙而不乱,充分发挥自己应有的水平。建议按照如下的方案分配时间: 审题2~3分钟, 组织素材, 细节和关键词: 5~6分钟, 起草: 20~25分钟, 修改定稿: 6~10分钟。
《考研高分作文的标准及写法概述》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/5931/