
2012-05-12 00:12:28 

下面一组练习的内容是说彼得问母亲凯特怎么样才能够像父亲亨利一样作个 救火员. 彼得提出了许多问题. 凯特都一一回答, 比方凯特告诉彼得作救火员 必须小心, 镇静, 必须随时准备救火, 一有必要就得上夜班等等. 练习的作法是 你会先听到一个疑问词开头的疑问句, 比方彼得问: How can one be a fire fighter? 听了之后请你把话引述一遍,所以答案就是: Peter asked how one could be a fire fighter. 如果你听到的不是问句, 而是陈述句, 比方凯特回答: "他们需 要小心, 镇静." One needs to be careful and calm. 在引述的时候你就必须这么

说: Kate answered that one needed to be careful and calm. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: How can one be a fire fighter?

F: Peter asked how one could be a fire fighter.

F: One needs to be careful and calm.

M: Kate answered that one needed to be careful and calm.

M: What are their duties?

F: Peter asked what their duties were.

F: They put out fire and rescue people.

M: Kate answered that they put out fire and rescued people.

M: When do they have to be ready to answer an alarm?

F: Peter asked when they had to be ready to answer an alarm.

F: They have to be ready at any hour of the day or night.

M: Kate answered that they had to be ready at any hour of the day or night.

M: How many shifts are there?

F: Peter asked how many shifts there were.

F: There are three shifts.

M: Kate answered that there were three shifts.

M: How often do they work the night shift?

F: Peter asked how often they worked the night shift.

F: They work the night shift as often as needed.

M: Kate answered that they worked the night shift as often as needed.

下面彼得问凯特作救火员危险不危险, 他们怎么救火; 怎么样帮助受伤的人等 等问题; 凯特回答说救火员的工作有时候相当危险, 他们必须有救火设施, 必 须给予受伤的人急救等等. 还是请你跟刚才一样作练习

M: How dangerous is the job?

F: Peter asked how dangerous the job was.

F: It can be very dangerous at times.

M: Kate answered that it could be very dangerous at times.

M: How do they enter a burning building?

F: Peter asked how they entered a burning building.

F: They use the necessary equipment.

M: Kate answered that they used the necessary equipment.

M: How do they help injured people?

F: Peter asked how they helped the injured people.

F: They give those people first aid.

M: Kate answered that they gave those people first aid.

刚才我们引述的句子本身都是现在时态. 所以在引述的时候必须把动词或助 动词改为过去时态. 如果你要引述的句子是现在完成时态或是过去时态, 那 么在引述的时候就应该用had, h-a-d,had加上动词的过去分词或是用 had been 加上动词的过去分词把时态改为过去完成时态. 比方凯特问亨利: "发生了什 么事?" What happened? 在引述这句话的时候就应该这么说:Kate asked what had happened. 再举一个例子, 比方凯特问亨利: "有多少人受伤情况严重?" How many people were in critical condition? 引述那句话的时候就应该这么

说: Kate asked how many people had been in critical condition. 下面我们作一 组练习,学学这种说法.练习的内容是说亨利救火之后回到家里, 凯特问他有 关火灾的种种情况,比方受伤的人被送进哪家医院,多少楼房被烧坏或是全部 烧毁, 火灾多久才被扑灭等等. 这些问题亨利都一一答覆. 练习的作法跟刚才 一样,还是每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

中级美国英语Lesson29:间接引句[二]》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/622/