美语咖啡屋 Lesson 2: Scottish Bagpipes
J: Hello, I'm Jody!
Y: 大家好, 我是杨晨!
J: And welcome to American Cafe.
Y: 欢迎您到美语咖啡屋.
Enter pipe band music
Y: Jody, 今天的这个音乐, 我怎么觉得怎么熟悉啊 ?
J: Today I thought we would introduce Margaret Peng, the Chinese-American woman we met who does something quite uncommon. She's a drummer in a Scottish pipe band. Yang Chen, how cool is that!?
Y: 你说得没错,我对她的印象特别的深. 这个女孩儿叫Margaret Peng, 是一位华裔,是华盛顿苏格兰风笛乐队的队员之一。在这种乐队里华人并不多见。那么,作为一个华裔,她是怎么迷上这种音乐的呢?我们来看看她是怎么说的:
实录1: Margaret Peng: I'm a tenor drummer in the pipe band and I started playing in high school. Eh... I had a friend who was in the bagpipe band in high school. That what she played. She said: "Come on join it with me, join it." So I did it and I didn't think I'd keep doing it but I am (laughs).
J: How many years now?
MP: I've been in this band I've been in for 12, 12 years. Right.
Y: Margaret刚才说她是在高中就加入了乐队一直到现在她练了十二年了,很长时间。
J: 12 years! Wow.
Y: 真的很不简单。 她加入乐队的原因其实很简单。 她当时她有一个朋友在乐队里吹bagpipe 的, 就问她, 你参加不参加? 她说好啊,就是那么简单.
J: That's simple. She was in high school and a friend told her to come join the band.
Y: 没错,没错。她在乐队里是鼓手。
《美语咖啡屋Lesson2:ScottishBagpipes》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/625/