
2012-05-12 00:12:30 

第四十课 被动语态,美国妇女运动

在这一课里, 我们要复习被动语态; 我们也要谈一谈美国的妇女运动, 学一学 有关妇女运动的词汇.

现在我们按照惯例先听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利跟小女儿琳达谈起了 妇女就业的问题. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Dad, did Grandma go to the university when she was young?

M: No, she wasn't encouraged to do that.

F: Why not?

M: Well, at that time it was considered improper for a woman to have a higher education.

Grandma got married when she was eighteen and she spent all her life taking care of her husband and the kids.

F: You mean she never had a job?

M: No, women were told that they could not have a family and a career at the same time.

F: Mother could. She has a family and she is also a teacher. Isn't that a career?

M: Yes. Time has changed. Nowadays women are permitted to do things that they were not allowed to do before.


F: Dad, did Grandma go to the university when she was young?

M: No, she wasn't encouraged to do that.

F: Why not?

M: Well, at that time it was considered improper for a woman to have a higher education.

Grandma got married when she was eighteen and she spent all her life taking care of her husband and the kids.

F: You mean she never had a job?

M: No, women were told that they could not have a family and a career at the same time.

F: Mother could. She has a family and she is also a teacher. Isn't that a career?

M: Yes. Time has changed. Nowadays women are permitted to do things that they were not allowed to do before.

现在我把对话里包含被动语态说法的句子挑出来, 请老师再念一遍给你听.

M: She wasn't encouraged to do that.

M: It was considered improper for a woman to have a higher education.

M: Women were told that they could not have a family and a career at the same time.

M: Women are permitted to do things that they were not allowed to do before.


第一组练习的内容是说妇女过去不准作的事情, 比方投票, 拥有土地, 追求事 业, 担任公职等等. 练习的作法是老师用 weren't permitted 作一个句子, 接着 老师念一个词组, 学生就把他听到的词组代换到原来的句子里. 在学生作练 习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Women weren't permitted to vote.

M: own land

F: Women weren't permitted to own land.

M: get a higher education

F: Women weren't permitted to get a higher education.

M: pursue a career

F: Women weren't permitted to pursue a career.

M: practice most professions

F: Women weren't permitted to practice most professions.

M: hold public office

F: Women weren't permitted to hold public office.

M: hold important positions

F: Women weren't permitted to hold important positions.

中级美国英语Lesson40:被动语态美国妇女运动》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/629/