
2012-05-12 00:12:30 

下面我们再作一组练习, 一方面复习被动语态, 一方面复习刚才学的一些词 汇. 练习的作法是老师用疑问词提出一个问题, 比方 What was placed on women? 接着老师说: social restrictions, 学生就用老师提出的词组来回答问 题,所以答案就是: Social restrictions were placed on women. 现在我们开始作 练习. 在学生回答问题的时候请你也一起回答.

M: What was placed on women?

M: social restrictions

F: Social restrictions were placed on women.

M: Who was paid less?

M: female workers

F: Female workers were paid less.

M: Who was guaranteed the right to vote?

M: both men and women

F: Both men and women were guaranteed the right to vote.

M: What was established for women?

M: colleges and universities

F: Colleges and universities were established for women.

M: What was supported by a lot of politicians?

M: the equal rights amendment

F: The equal rights amendment was supported by a lot of politicians.

M: What was approved by some states?

M: the equal rights amendment

F: The equal rights amendment was approved by some states.


今天我们要听一篇谈美国妇女运动的文章. 这篇文章里有许多被动语态句子, 文章里许多词汇也是我们刚才练习过的.


America has been called a democracy since its independence more than 200 years ago.

However, at that time, only men were permitted to vote. Only men could own land and practice most professions. Women could not get a higher education or hold public office.

The woman's place was considered to be the home. Working women were not common.

They usually had poor jobs and little respect.

Through the history of our country, many American women have worked to reduce the restrictions that society placed on them. They have met opposition. Slowly, however, the opportunities for women have increased. Colleges and universities were established for women. Later women were admitted to schools originally established only for men.

In the early part of this century, American women were finally allowed to vote. During and since World War II American women have become a considerable part of the American work force.

Today, many women in America hold important positions or are pursuing careers that they could not pursue in the past. But many women are dissatisfied with the current situation. They point out that women are often paid less than men for the same work they do.

The top positions in nearly all fields are still overwhelmingly held by men. In many ways, a woman's life is still dominated by her father or her husband.

Recently women worked to get an amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing their rights. The equal rights amendment, as it was called, was supported by most congressmen and most states. It did not get the support of two-thirds of the states which is necessary for a constitutional amendment. Nevertheless, the role and the rights of American women is an important concern in the U.S. today.

刚才那篇文章如果你没有全部听懂, 没有关系, 等一会儿你还有机会听. 现在 老师先把今天测验的三个问题念一遍给你听.


M: How were American women restricted by the society?


M: What are some of the things which women are dissatisfied with?


M: Are women's rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution?

现在老师再用慢速度把整篇文章念一遍. 请你注意听.

America has been called a democracy since its independence more than 200 years ago.

However, at that time, only men were permitted to vote. Only men could own land and practice most professions. Women could not get a higher education or hold public office.

The woman's place was considered to be the home. Working women were not common.

They usually had poor jobs and little respect.

Through the history of our country, many American women have worked to reduce the restrictions that society placed on them. They have met opposition. Slowly, however, the opportunities for women have increased. Colleges and universities were established for women. Later women were admitted to schools originally established only for men.

In the early part of this century, American women were finally allowed to vote. During and since World War II American women have become a considerable part of the American work force.

Today, many women in America hold important positions or are pursuing careers that they could not pursue in the past. But many women are dissatisfied with the current situation. They point out that women are often paid less than men for the same work they do.

The top positions in nearly all fields are still overwhelmingly held by men. In many ways, a woman's life is still dominated by her father or her husband.

Recently women worked to get an amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing their rights. The equal rights amendment, as it was called, was supported by most congressmen and most states. It did not get the support of two-thirds of the states which is necessary for a constitutional amendment. Nevertheless, the role and the rights of American women is an important concern in the U.S. today.

现在请你回答你刚才听过的三个问题. 每回答一个问题, 老师就会念出正确 答案给你听.


M: How were American women restricted by the society?

F: They could not vote, could not own land, could not get a higher education, practice most professions or hold public office.


M: What are some of the things which women are dissatisfied with?

F: Some women are paid less, very few women hold top positions, and some women are dominated by men.


M: Are women's rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution?

F: No, they aren't.

中级美国英语Lesson40:被动语态美国妇女运动》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/629/