
2012-05-12 00:12:30 

美语咖啡屋 Lesson 6: New Year's Resolutions

Y: 各位听众好!欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。

J: Hello, everyone, I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe! And Happy New Year everyone! Happy New Year, Yang Chen! You know what January brings, don't you?

Y: 一月份是新年的开始,人们当然要快快乐乐地迎接新年。比如说打扮得漂漂亮亮地参加舞会,走亲访友,还有逛街买东西等等。

J: Of course, but after all that is over that's when the New Year's Resolutions kick in. You know when they start.

Y: New Year's Resolutions,新年的决心。哎呀,我还没想好呢!

J: You know, maybe we should talk about New Year's Resolutions a little bit to find out, you know, what we should give up for the New Year.

Y: 对。我们还是给大家解释一下什么叫New Year's Resolution。

J: Good idea. Here's Chuck from Washington DC with a definition of New Year's Resolutions...

实录1 Chuck: Well, a New Year's Resolution is something that an individual chooses to do on the occasion of the new calendar year. They are starting off with a clean slate. They are sort of having a fresh beginning and are going to take the occasion of the new year to introduce a new behavior or set some goals or, to the contrary, they are going to eliminate some behavior, perhaps a vice or a bad habit, and do their very best through the new year to improve their behavior.

Y: Chuck 刚才说的clean slate是一个很有用的说法,你给大家解释一下它的意思好吗?

J: Sure. A clean slate. And it just means a fresh beginning. You know adding a good habit or giving up a vice or bad habit. But I'm still not sure of anything I should give up for the New Year's. What about you?

Y: 嗯,我想想看。A clean slate可以解释成从头开始。可是说到要放弃什么坏习惯,我还真想不出来。你看我这么老实,遵纪守法,根本没什么坏习惯啊。

J: What, no bad habits?! Are you sure?! I can think of a couple bad habits you may have.

Y: 可别告诉别人!

J: Okay we'll keep that between us. Let's introduce some of the people we met on New Year's Eve and hear what they were giving up for the new year. The first one is Jen, from Boston.

Y: 我们听听Jen有什么打算。

美语咖啡屋Lesson6:NewYear'sResolutions》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/630/