现在我们换一个方式作练习. 由老师以过去式动词作一个陈述句, 请学生用did 跟老师提出的新主词把原来的句子改成问句; 然后学生再用 didn't 作否定的答 覆. 首先我们要举个例子:
M: Peter watched television last weekend.
M: Mary
F: Did Mary watch television last weekend?
F: No, she didn't watch.
现在我们开始. 请你在学生作练习的时候也跟着作.
M: Peter watched television last weekend.
M: Mary
F: Did Mary watch television last weekend?
F: No, she didn't watch.
M: Mary listened to the radio last night.
M: Peter
F: Did Peter listen to the radio last night?
F: No, he didn't listen.
M: Henry worked in the office yesterday.
M: Nancy
F: Did Nancy work in the office yesterday?
F: No, she didn't work.
M: Kate cooked last night.
M: Henry
F: Did Henry cook last night?
F: No, he didn't cook.
学完了规则动词过去式, 现在我们来学比较难一点儿的, 也就是不规则动词. 我 们给你举一些例子, 男老师念现在式动词, 接着女老师念过去式动词. 请你注意 听. 现在我们开始:
. M F 作 do did 吃 eat ate 给 give gave 去 go went 有 have had 制作 make made 遇到 meet met 看见 see saw 卖 sell sold 坐 sit sat 花费 spend spent 拿 take took 好了, 现在我们来作换字练习. 练习的内容都是说彼得昨天在学校作了什么事.
比方: 他发表了演说; 跟玛丽吃了午饭等等. 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.
M: Peter went to school yesterday.
M: saw Mary in school
F: Peter saw Mary in school yesterday.
M: met a lot of friends
F: Peter met a lot of friends yesterday.
M: made a speech
F: Peter made a speech yesterday.
M: ate lunch with Mary
F: Peter ate lunch with Mary yesterday.
M: had a cup of coffee
F: Peter had a cup of coffee yesterday.
M: sat next to Mary in the library
F: Peter sat next to Mary in the library yesterday.
M: sold two books
F: Peter sold two books yesterday.
M: took Mary home
F: Peter took Mary home yesterday.
M: gave Mary a ride
F: Peter gave Mary a ride yesterday.
《中级美国英语Lesson7:动词一般过去式》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/650/