
2012-05-12 00:12:37 

下面我们要学习 "找" look for 这个词组的用法. 练习的作法是老师用 "要买" want to buy 作一些句子说明凯特跟亨利要买什么手工艺品给亲友邻居. 请你 听了句子以后跟学生一起改用 are looking for 把句子说出来. 句子里的词汇 都是我们学过的. 请你一边练习语法, 一边复习词汇.

M: They want to buy some home-made things for their friends.

F: They are looking for some home-made things for their friends.

M: They want to buy a drawing for their parents.

F: They are looking for a drawing for their parents.

M: They want to buy pottery for their cousin.

F: They are looking for pottery for their cousin.

M: They want to buy a wedding present for a relative.

F: They are looking for a wedding present for a relative.

M: They want to buy some glassware for their next-door neighbors.

F: They are looking for some glassware for their next-door neighbors.

M: They want to buy hand-made jewelry for their oldest daughter.

F: They are looking for hand-made jewelry for their oldest daughter.

M: They want to buy a hand-made sweater for their youngest daughter.

F: They are looking for a hand-made sweater for their youngest daughter.

M: They want to buy a pair of leather boots for their son.

F: They are looking for a pair of leather boots for their son.

下面我们作一组练习比较 "希望得到" hope to get 跟 "期望得到" look forward to getting 的用法. 练习的内容还是说到亨利和凯特在手工艺品交易会上给亲 友们买东西. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问题, 比方 What do they hope to get for their friends? 接着老师说: some home-made things, 学生就用 are looking forward to getting 跟老师提出的词组来回答问题, 所以答案就是: They are looking forward to getting some home-made things for their friends. 现在我们开 始作练习. 在学生回答问题的时候请你也一起回答.

M: What do they hope to get for their friends?

M: some hand-made things

F: They are looking forward to getting some hand-made things for their friends.

M: What do they hope to get for their daughter, Jenny?

M: hand-made jewelry

F: They are looking forward to getting hand-made jewelry for their daughter, Jenny.

M: What do they hope to get for their daughter, Linda?

M: a hand-made sweater

F: They are looking forward to getting a hand-made sweater for their daughter, Linda.

M: What do they hope to get for their son, Peter?

M: a pair of boots

F: They are looking forward to getting a pair of boots for their son, Peter.

M: What do they hope to get for their cousin?

M: pottery

F: They are looking forward to getting pottery for their cousin.

M: What do they hope to get for a relative?

M: a wedding present

F: They are looking forward to getting a wedding present for a relative.

M: What do they hope to get for their next-door neighbors?

M: some glassware

F: They are looking forward to getting some glassware for their next-door neighbors.

下面一组练习是要比较 "希望找到" hope to find 跟 "密切注意" look out for 的 用法. 练习的内容是说亨利跟凯特到手工艺品交易会去所希望找到或是会留 心什么样的东西, 比方价钱低、品质高的东西, 新颖、独具风格的东西等等.

练习的作法是老师用 hope to find 提出一个问题, 比方 Do they hope to find good bargains? 学生就用 are looking out for 肯定地答覆说: Yes, they are looking out for good bargains. 现在我们开始作练习, 在学生回答问题的时候 请你也一起回答.

M: Do they hope to find good bargains?

F: Yes, they are looking out for good bargains.

M: Do they hope to find things with high quality?

F: Yes, they are looking out for things with high quality.

M: Do they hope to find something inexpensive?

F: Yes, they are looking out for something inexpensive.

M: Do they hope to find something unique?

F: Yes, they are looking out for something unique.

M: Do they hope to find something unusual?

F: Yes, they are looking out for something unusual.

M: Do they hope to find something original?

F: Yes, they are looking out for something original.

M: Do they hope to find something interesting?

F: Yes, they are looking out for something interesting.

M: Do they hope to find something valuable?

F: Yes, they are looking out for something valuable.


下面我们用 take, t-a-k-e, take 作动词词组表示对什么事情印象深刻,比方凯特 跟亨利在手工艺品交易会上看到一些设计新颖的东西,觉得那些设计真不错, 他们可以这么说: We are impressed with the unique designs. 这句话也可以换 个方式这么说: We are quite taken with the unique designs.

下面我们作一组练习, 比较 are impressed with 跟 are quite taken with 的用法.

练习的作法是老师提出一个问题, 比方Are Henry and Kate impressed with the good bargains? 请你肯定地回答说: Yes, they are quite taken with the good bargains. 你每回答一句, 老师就会把正确答案念给你听.

M: Are Henry and Kate impressed with the good bargains?

F: Yes, they are quite taken with the good bargains.

M: Are they impressed with the high quality?

F: Yes, they are quite taken with the high quality.

M: Are they impressed with the reasonable prices?

F: Yes, they are quite taken with the reasonable prices.

M: Are they impressed with the unique designs?

F: Yes, they are quite taken with the unique designs.

M: Are they impressed with the various styles?

F: Yes, they are quite taken with the various styles.

中级美国英语Lesson38:动词词组[二]》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/655/