第二十四课 被动语态(二)
在这一课里, 我们还是学习被动语态. 我们要把不同的动词用在不同时态的被 动语态句子里, 反覆练习.
首先我们还是依照惯例听一段对话. 这段对话的内容是说亨利跟同事南希谈 到办公室的各种变动. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.
M: What's going on around here? All the offices were changed.
F: Haven't you heard? Where have you been, anyway?
M: I was sent to Chicago. I just got back.
F: Well, a lot of changes were made last week. For one thing, Marta was transferred.
M: Where is she now? Was she promoted?
F: Yes, she was transferred to the main office downtown.
M: I see. What about you? Were you promoted too?
F: No, at least not yet. But I was given a new office.
M: It's very nice. Congratulations!
现在我们把整段对话再听一遍, 请你注意听.
M: What's going on around here? All the offices were changed.
F: Haven't you heard? Where have you been, anyway?
M: I was sent to Chicago. I just got back.
F: Well, a lot of changes were made last week. For one thing, Marta was transferred.
M: Where is she now? Was she promoted?
F: Yes, she was transferred to the main office downtown.
M: I see. What about you? Were you promoted too?
F: No, at least not yet. But I was given a new office.
M: It's very nice. Congratulations!
M: All the offices were changed.
M: I was sent to Chicago.
F: A lot of changes were made last week.
F: Marta was transferred.
M: Was she promoted?
F: She was transferred to the main office downtown.
M: Were you promoted too?
F: I was given a new office.
听了上面那些句子, 你或许已经注意到每个句子都只是提到接受动作的对象 而没有提到这些动作的执行者, 比方我们不知道是谁把玛尔塔调走了, 是谁 给了南希一间新的办公室等等. 其实在英文里凡是不知道谁是动作执行者,或 者这点并不重要的时候就常常用被动语态来表达意思.
下面我们作一组练习, 由男老师用 "某个人" someone 把刚才对话里的一些句 子用主动语态说出来,接着女老师把句子改成被动语态疑问句, 你听了问句之 后请你用被动语态作肯定的答覆. 首先我们举一个例子:
M: Someone changed all the offices.
F: Were all the offices changed?
M: Yes, all the offices were changed.
现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.
M: Someone changed all the offices.
F: Were all the offices changed?
M: Yes, all the offices were changed.
M: Someone sent Henry to Chicago.
F: Was Henry sent to Chicago?
M: Yes, Henry was sent to Chicago.
M: Someone made a lot of changes.
F: Were a lot of changes made?
M: Yes, a lot of changes were made.
M: Someone transferred Marta.
F: Was Marta transferred?
M: Yes, Marta was transferred.
M: Someone promoted Marta.
F: Was Marta promoted?
M: Yes, Marta was promoted.
M: Someone gave Nancy a new office.
F: Was Nancy given a new office?
M: Yes, Nancy was given a new office.
下面我们来复习不同时态的被动语态句子. 练习的作法是老师念一个过去式 被动语态句子, 接着老师念出一部份动词词组, 然后学生就把词组代换到句 子里形成另外一种时态, 学生作练习的时候请你注意听.
M: Several changes were made in the office.
M: have been
F: Several changes have been made in the office.
M: will be
F: Several changes will be made in the office.
M: can be
F: Several changes can be made in the office.
M: should be
F: Several changes should be made in the office.
M: need to be
F: Several changes need to be made in the office.
M: are going to be
F: Several changes are going to be made in the office.
M: are being
F: Several changes are being made in the office.
《中级美国英语Lesson24:被动语态[二]》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/660/