
2012-05-12 00:12:39 

美语咖啡屋 Lesson 20: Flamenco Dancer

Y: 各位听众好,我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。

J: Hello, I'm Jody. Welcome to American Cafe.

Y: Jody, 你最近忙吗?

J: Pretty busy.

Y: 你在忙什么呢?

J: You know, work, spending time with my friends, oh don't forget about the tap dance.

Y: 没错。最近我忽然觉得业余时间应该学点什么,你觉得我学跳舞怎么样?

J: That's a great idea. What type of dance?

Y: Flamenco!

J: Flamenco!? Did you say Flamenco?!

Y: 没错。你干吗那么吃惊,是不是觉得我学不会?

J: I'm sure you can learn Flamenco. But Flamenco, F-l-a-m-e-n-c-o. Flamenco comes from the Gypsies, you know.

(Flamenco music)

Y: 吉普赛舞蹈。太好了。

J: Yes, yes. And Flamenco is fiery! Like the Gypsies! And Flamenco, Yang Chen, is full of passion and excitement!

Y: 等一等,你冷静一下,不要这么激动。 不过仔细想一想也许你说的对,我可能真的不适合跳这种舞。我看我还是放弃吧。

J: I have an idea. Listen to what my friend Marlene has to say about Flamenco. Marlene, take it away:

实录1 Marlene: I'm Marlene English and this DC Dance Collective. And I am a Flamenco Dancer. I take classes here at DC Dance. Flamenco is probably different from mostly anything that you ever see. It is very, first, it's very fast. It's very loud. It's very fiery. The clothes alone are wonderful. There are a lot of ruffles and colors and it's very exciting.

Y: 热情、浪漫、自由、奔放。我就向往这样的生活! 哎,这个Marlene学跳舞有多长时间了呢?

J: About six years now. And she began studying Flamenco as an adult. She started out in ballet as a child but was deeply drawn to Flamenco when she saw it perform at the age 14.

Y: 她为什么不在小时候就开始学呢?

美语咖啡屋Lesson20:FlamencoDancer》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/661/