
2012-05-12 00:12:39 


美语咖啡屋 Lesson 13: Stand-up Comedy

J: Hello everyone and welcome to American Cafe! My name's Jody.

Y: 欢迎大家到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。

J: Hey, Yang Chen, I have a joke. Do you have a minute?

Y: Uh huh.

J: Okay, did you hear the one about the mushroom who walked into the bar?

Y: 一只蘑菇走进一个酒吧,很好笑啊。

J: Well, a mushroom walked into a bar and the bartender said, "Hey, get out of here. We don't serve your kind."

Y: 为什么?

J: That's exactly what the mushroom asked. "What do mean you don't serve my kind...I'm a fun guy!" Fun-guy. You know, fungus ... See the mushroom's a fungus. Oh, never mind. It's kind of funny. Yang Chen, are you there? Don't you get it? Fungus...Fungi...

Y: Haha ... 是挺幽默的。我相信我们的听众在收音机前已经笑得直不起腰来了。

J: Oh, you know what, don't humor me, Yang Chen.

Y: 不错,你还是挺会讲笑话的。继续努力。

J: You know maybe I should take me friend's comedy class. You know, polish my act a little.

Y: A little?

J: Yeah, you know polish it up a little.

Y: 真的有这种专门教人讲笑话的课吗?

J: Oh sure. My friend Jason teaches a stand up comedy class so I went to check it out.

Y: 怎么样,有什么收获吗?

J: Actually the thing that surprised me the most was how serious the class was. Jason talked a lot about the pain and sorrow in comedy.

美语咖啡屋Lesson13:Stand-upComedy》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/662/