
2012-05-12 00:12:45 

下面一组练习是说凯特到修车厂买汽油, 顺便请人换机油的事情. 老师用慢速 度提出一些现在完成式问句, 请学生作肯定的答覆, 请你在学生回答的时候也 跟着回答.

M: Has Kate taken her car to the garage?

F: Yes, she has taken her car to the garage.

M: Has Kate bought some gasoline there?

F: Yes, she has bought some gasoline there.

M: Has Kate paid for the gasoline?

F: Yes, she has paid for the gasoline.

M: Has the gasoline been quite expensive recently?

F: Yes, it has been quite expensive recently.

M: Has the cost of gasoline increased?

F: Yes, it has increased.

M: Has Kate's car needed an oil change for a long time?

F: Yes, it has needed an oil change for a long time.

M: Has Kate waited in the garage?

F: Yes, she has waited in the garage.

三.I've 和 She's

以前我们练习过把 have not 简缩为 haven't, 把 has not 简缩为 hasn't. 下面我 们来练习怎么样把代名词跟 have 或是 has 连起来说. 比方 I have 说成 I've, they have 说成 they've, she has 说成 she's 等等. 现在我们来作两组练习, 内 容都是亨利和凯特吃过晚饭之后话家常.

第一组练习是亨利问凯特是否已经作了某些事情, 凯特用 I've 作肯定的答覆.

请你注意听亨利问问题, 并且跟凯特一起回答问题.

M: Have you taken the car to the garage yet?

F: Yes, I've taken it to the garage.

M: Have you been to the new supermarket yet?

F: Yes, I've been there.

M: Have you given Peter his weekly allowance?

F: Yes, I've given him his weekly allowance.

M: Have you sent the package to Jenny yet?

F: Yes, I've sent it to Jenny.

M: Have you heard about Linda's new boyfriend?

F: Yes, I've heard about him.

下面凯特问亨利一些有关亨利的同事南希的问题, 比方南希是否已经搬到郊 区, 是否已经决定结婚, 是否谈起到纽约渡蜜月的事情. 亨利用 she's 作肯定 的答覆. 请你注意听, 并且跟亨利一起回答.

F: Has Nancy moved to the suburb yet?

M: Yes, she's moved to the suburb.

F: Has Nancy bought a car yet?

M: Yes, she's bought a car.

F: Has Nancy gotten used to driving to work?

M: Yes, she's gotten used to it.

F: Has Nancy decided to get married?

M: Yes, she's decided to get married.

F: Has she told you about going to New York for her honeymoon?

M: Yes, she's told me about it.

F: Has Nancy planned to come over for dinner next Saturday?

M: Yes, she's planned to come over.


刚才我们复习了现在完成式,同时也学了一些新词,现在我们要学习两个连词, 也就是 since 跟 for 的用法. 这个两个字常常跟现在完成式句子一起用. since 表示 "自从一个特定的时间开始", for 表示 "时间持续了多久".

现在我们来听英文老师念一些句子, 比较这两个连词的用法.

M: Henry and Kate have been married since 1962.

F: They have been married for a long time.

M: Henry and Kate have lived in Seattle since 1965.

F: They have lived in Seattle for a long time.

M: Henry has worked as a fireman since 1970.

F: He has worked as a fireman for many years.

下面这组练习是由老师问你一个问题, 然后, 他提出一个特定的时间请你用 since 跟这个特定的时间回答问题. 这些问题都是跟亨利作救火员有关系的.


M: Has Henry wanted to be a fireman?

M: He was a child.

F: Henry has wanted to be a fireman since he was a child.

M: Has Henry worked as a fireman for a long time?

M: 1970

F: Henry has worked as a fireman since 1970.

M: Has Henry ever worked for the city government?

M: He got married.

F: Henry has worked for the city government since he got married.

M: Has Henry been very busy with his job?

M: last month

F: Henry has been very busy with his job since last month.

中级美国英语Lesson15:since与for的用法》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/684/