
2012-05-12 00:12:47 

Y: 各位听众好,我是杨晨。欢迎到美语咖啡屋!

J: Hello I'm Jody, welcome to American Cafe! On this edition of American Cafe we are going to talk to our friend Jeannie from West Virginia.

Y: 好香啊。你是在煮汤吗?

J: No, I am boiling soup. I am boiling brown.

Y: Brown? 你说的颜色里的brown, 棕色吗?

J: That is right. I am boiling the color brown.

Y: Jody, 你真是越来越可爱了。 颜色也能煮吗?

J: Of course, you can boil a color. I got the idea from Jeannie, the woman artist we met who raises sheep and then uses their wool to make stuff.

Y: 对。我认识Jeannie。她非常特别。为什么说她特别呢? 因为她不但自己养羊,还会剪羊毛,织毛衣。 她织的每一件毛衣都是艺术品。

J: That is right. She also dyes the wool herself.

But Yang Chen, you forgot a part of the process.

Y: 她还会给羊毛染色啊?

J: People who dye wool naturally use by-products found in nature like fruit, leaves and bark from trees, vegetables, even bugs!

Y: Bugs? 虫子,我最怕那些小虫子。 你刚才提到的by-product,能不能给大家解释一下?

J: By-product, spelled B-Y-P-R-O-D-U-C-T. A by-product is something that is left over from a process.

Y:对, By-product就是副产品的意思。

J: Jeannie is going to tell us how she is going to use by-product from trees like yellow boxwood elder, osage orange wood and walnut tress to get completely natural color.

Y: 你刚才提到的yellow boxwood elder或者是osage orange wood...

J: Those are just types of trees.

Y: 好。我们就听听Jeannie是利用那些by-products来作染料。

美语咖啡屋Lesson37:JeannieSpinningWool[2]》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/689/