下面我再请老师念一些句子给你听, 看看怎么简化被动语态从句. 首先男老师 念两个句子,比方: Linda is listening to the record. It was bought recently. 接着 女老师就把两句话合并为一句:Linda is listening to the record which was bought recently. 最后女老师再用动词过去分词把从句简化. 所以句子就变成: Linda is listening to the record bought recently. 老师念句子的时候请你注意听.
M: Linda is playing a record. It was recorded by her favorite singer.
F: Linda is playing a record which was recorded by her favorite singer.
F: Linda is playing a record recorded by her favorite singer.
M: Linda is listening to the record. It was bought recently.
F: Linda is listening to the record which was bought recently.
F: Linda is listening to the record bought recently.
M: Linda likes to listen to songs. They are sung by her favorite singer.
F: Linda likes to listen to songs which were sung by her favorite singer.
F: Linda likes to listen to songs sung by her favorite singer.
M: The song won many awards. It was sung by Linda's favorite singer.
F: The song which was sung by Linda's favorite singer won many awards.
F: The song sung by Linda's favorite singer won many awards.
下面我们作一组练习, 一方面把从句简化, 一方面学习新词汇. 练习的作法是 由老师念一个有从句的词组, 比方 "描述日常生活的歌曲" song which depict day to day situations. 学生就用动词加上 i-n-g 把词组简化为: songs depicting day to day situations. 这组练习里有许多有用的词汇,比方 "表达" express, "形 容" describe, "反映" reflect, "以...为特点" feature,"主题" theme, "旋律" melody, "步调" pace, "节拍" rhythmic beat 等等, 请你在作练习的时候特别注意听.学生 作练习的时候请你也一起作.
M: songs which depict day to day situations
F: songs depicting day to day situations
M: songs which express human emotions
F: songs expressing human emotions
M: songs which reflect the lives of American blacks
F: songs reflecting the lives of American blacks
M: songs which feature simple themes
F: songs featuring simple themes
M: songs which feature simple melodies
F: songs featuring simple melodies
M: songs which feature fast pace
F: songs featuring fast pace
M: songs which feature rhythmic beats
F: songs featuring rhythmic beats 下面我们作一组代换练习, 用我们刚才练习过的词组作句子说明哪些歌曲老 少皆宜. 练习的作法是由老师先念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把 词组代换到原来的句子里. 请你跟学生一起作练习, 一方面复习语法, 一方面 复习我们刚才学的新词汇. 现在开始.
M: Songs depicting day to day situations are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: expressing human emotions
F: Songs expressing human emotions are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: reflecting the lives of American blacks
F: Songs reflecting the lives of American blacks are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: featruing simple themes
F: Songs featuring simple themes are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: featuring simple melodies
F: Songs featuring simple melodies are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: featuring fast pace
F: Songs featuring fast pace are enjoyed by people of all ages.
M: featuring rhythmic beats
F: Songs featuring rhythmic beats are enjoyed by people of all ages.
《中级美国英语Lesson45:简化修饰名词的从句》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/693/