
2012-05-12 00:12:49 

Y: 太棒了。你可真行,忘了手电筒,倒是没有忘记带啤酒。

J: Hey, I do have my priorities. But look at all the wood I gathered!

(Enter sound of wood dropping to the ground)

Y: 不错。不过我还是想听听你认识的那两个所谓的专家还有什么高见。

J: Good idea. Here's Marty.

实录3: Marty: Uh...a bonfire is anytime you're burning any lengths of wood. You can throw in trees ... that's a bonfire. When you get a full tree in ... that's a bonfire. The bigger the better.

Y: 我喜欢他说的 "the bigger, the better.",越大越好。

J: And don't forget...it's getting darker and darker. Heh, boy, fire is really important.

Y: 你很聪明。

J: Yang Chen, I bet this is what primitive people, you know原始人, felt like thousands of years ago.

Y: 我真佩服你的想象力。可我们没有生活在原始社会,干吗要没事找罪受呢?

J: Well, I'm just saying that people like fire.

Y: 为什么?

J: It feels good and, I think, it touches part of our primal side. Again here's Marty.

实录4: Marty: I am just watching the flames and burning stuff. It's primal burning things. I mean this is like the original source of heat in the world; it is burning wood so ...It smells good. Radiant heat is just beautiful heat; how it radiates out at you and warms your whole body.

(Enter sound of roaring fire)

Y: Mary 说的primal side就是原始的本能。 我不知道烤火是不是能让一个人看到自己原始本能,不过我觉得篝火散发出来的光和热给了我一种安全感。 你觉得我们两个人点这么大的篝火是不是太浪费木头了?

J: Boy, you are just never happy. Here let's have a drink to a bonfire!

J&Y: Cheers!

Y: 各位听众我们下次节目再见

J: See you next time on American Cafe. Next time I think we'll actually be in the cafe! See you later!

美语咖啡屋Lesson31:WhatisaBonfire?》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/696/