
2012-05-12 00:12:55 

第四十七课 英文字后头加上字母S

在这一课里, 我们要复习五种在英文字后头加上字母 s 的说法. 头两种是把两 个字简化为一个字, 比方把 he is 说成 he's, 或是把 he has 说成 he's; 第三种 是用来表示复数名词,比方 teachers, students, 第四种是第三人称单数动词, 比 方 "买" buys, "吃" eats 等等; 最后一种是用来表示所有格, 比方 "美国人的" American's, "政府的" government's 等等. 同时我们也要学习跟美国赋税制度 有关系的词汇.

现在我们来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利跟凯特谈起了缴所得税的事 情. 请你注意两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Henry, our income tax is due soon. Did you call our accountant?

M: He's figuring out our taxes right now. I gave him all the records on our income and expenses last week.

F: The government has deducted taxes from our paychecks all year. I hope we get some of that money back or at least that we won't have to pay more.

M: Remember the money your aunt left us when she died, and the money you made when you taught night school?

F: Yes.

M: Well, that's all taxable income.That money has put us in a higher tax bracket.

F: What does that mean?

M: It means we have to pay more taxes.

F: Well, it looks like we'll have to make more money this year just to pay last year's taxes.


F: Henry, our income tax is due soon. Did you call our accountant?

M: He's figuring out our taxes right now. I gave him all the records on our income and expenses last week.

F: The government has deducted taxes from our paychecks all year. I hope we get some of that money back or at least that we won't have to pay more.

M: Remember the money your aunt left us when she died, and the money you made when you taught night school?

F: Yes.

M: Well, that's all taxable income.That money has put us in a higher tax bracket.

F: What does that mean?

M: It means we have to pay more taxes.

F: Well, it looks like we'll have to make more money this year just to pay last year's taxes.


M: He's figuring out our taxes right now.

M: I gave him all the records on our income and expenses last week.

F: The government has deducted taxes from our paychecks all year.

M: That's all taxable income.

M: It means we have to pay more taxes.

F: It looks like we'll have to make more money this year just to pay last year's taxes.


首先我们根据对话内容一方面练习把she is 简化为 she's, 把 he is简化为 he's, 一方面也复习对话里的新词汇. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 比方: Kate is talking to Henry. 学生就把句子改为: She's talking to Henry. 请你跟学生一起作 练习. 现在我们开始.

M: Kate is talking to Henry.

F: She's talking to Henry.

M: Kate is asking Henry about their income tax.

F: She's asking Henry about their income tax.

M: Kate is suggesting that Henry call their accountant.

F: She's suggesting that Henry call their accountant.

M: Henry is telling Kate about their taxable income.

F: He's telling Kate about their taxable income.

M: Henry is explaining the higher tax bracket to Kate.

F: He's explaining the higher tax bracket to Kate.

中级美国英语Lesson47:英文字后头加上字母S》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/716/