刚才我们学习了用 has been 和 have been 来表示从过去到现在一直不变的情 况, 下面我们学习包含了规则动词, 过去分词. 比方: "抵达" arrived, a-r-r-i-v-e-d, arrived跟 "注册" registered, r-e-g-i-s-t-e-r-e-d, registered 等等字眼的现在完成式 句子. 这种句子表示事情已经发生.
下面这组练习谈的都是珍妮在大学里已经作的事, 比方:她已经到了学校, 已经 搬进了宿舍, 已经打了电话给父母, 已经跟指导教授谈了话,上了课等等. 练习 的作法是老师先念一个句子, 接着老师提出一个词组, 学生就把这个词组代换 到原来的句子里.
M: Jenny has arrived at the university.
M: moved into the dormitory
F: Jenny has moved into the dormitory.
M: cleaned up her room
F: Jenny has cleaned up her room.
M: called her parents
F: Jenny has called her parents.
M: talked to her advisor
F: Jenny has talked to her advisor.
M: registered
F: Jenny has registered.
M: attended classes
F: Jenny has attended classes.
下面我们来学习两个时常跟现在完成式句子一起出现的时间副词, 也就是yet, y-e-t, yet 跟 already, a-l-r-e-a-d-y, already. 这两个字都表示 "已经", 而且都用在 句尾; 不过不同的是 yet 用在问句里, 而 already 用在肯定句里.
下面一组练习谈的还是珍妮跟鲍勃在大学里已经作的事. 由老师用 yet 提出问 句, 请你用 already 作肯定的答覆. 首先举个例子.
M:Have Bob and Jenny moved into the dormitory yet?
F: Yes, they have moved into the dormitory already.
好, 现在我们开始作练习. 每作完一句, 就请你听正确答案.
M: Have Bob and Jenny moved into the dormitory yet?
F: Yes, they have moved into the dormitory already.
M: Have Bob and Jenny cleaned up their rooms yet?
F: Yes, they have cleaned up their rooms already.
M: Have Bob and Jenny called their parents yet?
F: Yes, they have called their parents already.
M: Have Bob and Jenny talked to their advisors yet?
F: Yes, they have talked to their advisors already.
M: Have Bob and Jenny registered yet?
F: Yes, they have registered already.
M: Have Bob and Jenny attended classes yet?
F: Yes, they have attended classes already.
《中级美国英语Lesson13:现在完成式[一]》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/718/