
2012-05-12 00:12:56 

J: Right, like a true democracy.

Y: 你说的一点没错。这一类的自发性群众活动正是美国民主的基础。

J: Here's another definition of grassroots campaigning that I liked a lot from Michael.

Y: 好,我们再听听Michael的观点。

实录2 Michael Briggs: If I had to define grassroots campaigning, I would think that it's people working with each trying to really bring democracy to life, share ideas, get people involved behind their candidate, trying to change minds, and raise awareness about an issue or a politician.

Y: 哎,Jody,我突然想到,grassroots campaign这个说法是怎么来的呢?

J: Oh, you know, I was curious about the origin, or the roots, haha, get it? Grassroots...anyway. I was curious about that myself. So let's have Michael help us out again.

实录3 Michael Briggs: My understanding of it is that grass has roots that are very broad, and they're not very deep but they broad. The way grass grows is it sends its roots out and then sprouts and those sprouts send more and more roots out. So it's about a chain reaction or a growing web of people that over time come to life.

Y: 中文里的“grassroots”就是草根的意思。草的生命力很旺盛,它的根部蔓延得很快,用这个词来形容这种基层群众活动非常形象。另外,Michael说的chain reaction就是连锁反应的意思。

J: The more people you reach out to, the more people they reach out to, and so on, and so on and so on. I'd say that joining a grassroots campaign is the best to empower yourself.


J: That's why a woman named Catayune joined a grassroots campaign to elect a political candidate.

实录4 Catayune: My name is Catayune and I live in Washington DC. I grew up in Ohio. Grassroots campaign helps me because it means that ideas and emphasis and energy comes up from the grassroots, from everyday citizens. So it helps empower everyday citizens to really have a voice in national politics.

Y: 你觉不觉得今天我们采访的这几个人他们都强调群众参与,每个公民都应该发出自己的声音这样一种概念,这也正是群众运动的意义所在。

J: Well, what do you think, Yang Chen. Joining a big group of people and fighting for the same common goal doesn't it sound exciting?

Y: 嗯,太让人激动了。

J: You don't sound very 激动了. Come on let's go join everyone and take part in the grassroots campaign.

Y: 那就走吧,还等什么呢?

J: Thanks for joining us on American Cafe. We gotta go! See ya!

美语咖啡屋Lesson7:GrassrootsCampaign》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/721/