美语咖啡屋 Lesson 33: Sandy's Women's History Alive
Y: 各位好, 我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。
J: Hello everyone! Welcome to American Cafe! Today we are going to celebrate Women's Equality Day that is celebrated on August 26th.
Y: 8月26号是妇女平等日。那是不是说除了这天以外妇女就不能享受平等权力了呢?
J: You had to say it, didn't Yang Chen.
Y: 难道你不觉得我这个问题问得很好吗?
J: It's a good question. But I don't think we'll talk about it today. But we will talk about Sandy Hansen. Sandy owns a business called Women's History Alive!
Y: Women's History Alive! 就是用舞台表演的形式来讲述妇女在历史上的地位。 Sandy一个人要在舞台上扮演好多的人物。
J: That's right. Sandy takes the rich history of women that is often ignored in history classes and in history books and takes it to the stage to really make it alive.
Y: 我们在看完了Sandy表演以后就马上就采访了她。
实录1: Sandy Hansen: I'm Sandy Hansen. I'm from Holland, Michigan. And my business is called Women's History Alive. I do one-women plays on famous women in American history.
J: When Sandy realized that the history of women was overlooked, she created a way to fill the void!
Y: "Fill the void," 就是添补空白的意思。
J: And the void she wanted to fill is an area of women's history. Sandy got her degree in Women's Studies and it was such a new concept that she literally had to design her own major.
Y: 没错。很多大学根本没有妇女历史这门课。其实是不对的,妇女为了推动历史做出这么大的贡献。你看历史上有过那么多伟大的女性,Harriet Tubman.
J: Oh, and don't forget Amelia Earhart.
Y: Susan B. Anthony.
J: Oh, in China, don't forget Jiang Qing.
Y: Okay, Jody, 你不要开玩笑。
J: Sorry. Sorry.
《美语咖啡屋Lesson33:Sandy'sWomen'sHistoryA》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/726/